The decrease in fertility is considered to be the main cause of reproductive loss in dairy cattle and beef industry. Many candidate genes that play an important role in fertility and embryonic development. The purpose of this study was to detect genetic variations of the growth hormone gene family (GH|MspI, GH|AluI, GHR| AluI, GHRH|HaeIII and Pit-1|HinfI) and its association with superovulation response, ovulation, fertilization and transferable embryos rate. A total of 45 blood samples taken from cows that have been superovulated Angus, Brahman, HF, Limousin and Simmental. DNA was extracted w…
Indigofera sp is a tree leguminous forage species known to be adaptable to the drought climate and saline soil and so it has potential as alternative feed resource to support the ruminant animal production. This study aimed to study the  responses of goats fed Indigofera sp as the sole foliages in their diets. Twenty male Boer x Kacang crossbred goats (6 months of age;16 ± 2,1 kg BW) were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments containing fresh or wilted leaves of Indigifera sp. as the sole foliages and supplemented with high carbohydrate (HCC) or protein (HPC)concentrates. Cons…
Quality of eggs might decrease when hens under heat stress. A further study found that a specific plant extracts could reduce the impacts of heat stress. The aim of this study was to determine effects of Salix tetrasperma plant extract in combination with extract of turmeric and neem to improve egg quality and productivity of laying hens under heat stress. Sixty laying hens strain Isa Brown of 6 months old were used and reared in individual cages. The feed and drinking water were supplied ad libitum. This study was conducted in a completely randomized design with five treatments (two controls …
Paska reformasi Mei 1998 virus sekolah unggul menjangkiti pengelola sekolah Muhammadiyah. Bermula dari pengelola SD/MI selanjutnya menular ke tingkat Sekolah Menengah. SD/MI Muhammadiyah unggul telah bermunculan, baik yang di kawasan perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Ia menjadi rujukan utama orang tua siswa dalam mendidik putra-putrinya. Sekolah yang diminati itu adalah sekolah model baru yang mengusung sayap kembar keunggulan, yaitu kemampuan akademisnya kompetitif (intelektual) dan kesalehan beragama (ulama). Ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah model baru ini mampu âmerebut kepercayaan masyarakatâ…
Dalam studi usul fiqh dikenal empat solusi untuk menyelesaikan dalil yang saling bertentangan (taââruḠal-adillah). Empat solusi itu adalah al-jamâu wa at-taufîq (kompromi), nâsikh wa al-mansûkh, tarjih, dan tawaqquf. Keempatnya ini merupakan solusi secara herarkhis jika seseorang menemui dalil yang saling bertentangan. Dimulai dari al-jamâu wa at-taufîq tapi jika cara ini tidak dapat dilakukan maka baru solusi berikutnya, yaitu solusi nâsikh wa al-mansûkh. Jika solusi kedua tidak bisa ditempuh maka dipilih solusi ketiga, dan seterusnya.
Abstrak-Praktik jual beli padi dengan sistem tebas terjadi di Desa Mlaten. Adapun praktik jual beli ini adalah petani melakukan transaksi dengan penebas pada saat tanaman padi sudah tampak dan menguning tetapi belum layak panen dengan pemberian uang muka sebagai tanda jadi. Setelah transaksi, penebas tidak langsung memanen biji tersebut, melainkan menunggu hingga padi sudah layak panen. Dan pada saat itulah penebas baru mengambil tanaman padi yang sudah dibelinya sekaligus melunasi pembayaran.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap pratik jual beli pad…
Pembelajaran karakter di perguruan tinggi belakangan ini telah menjadi perhatian penting dari para pengamat dan pakar pendidikan di Indonesia. Perhatian tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi Indonesia dalam pengamatan mereka lebih banyak menekankan pada dimensi hard skills dari pada soft skills. Dalam pandangan mereka, praktik pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang ideal itu perlu memadukan antara dimensi hards skills dan soft skills.
Secara historis, Islam sebagai sebuah peradaban dimulai dari sintesis kreatif. Sintesis kreatif bisa terjadi jika seseorang memiliki beberapa bidang ilmu sekaligus. Di era klasik, antara abad IX dan XIV, peradaban Islam menunjukkan kreativitas tinggi dalam ilmu dan teknologi. Pemikiran kreatif di zaman keemasan Islam tercermin dalam diri Al-Farabi, Ibnu Rusyd, Ibnu Sina dan lain-lain merupakan hasil sintesis secara intensif dengan falsafah Yunani. Oleh karena itu,  peradaban Islam di masa depan harus   bersintesis  dengan teknologi, ekonomi dan  globalisasi. …
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan praktik atau pelaksanaan kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah SMP Muhammadiyah 1Â Surakarta; (2) menganalisis praktik-praktik kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah berbasis Religi di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta.Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode indept interviewing, metode observasi, dan metode dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan yaitu meliputi: reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan cara pengamatan yan…
The mangrove forest is a community plant or an individual plant species that form a community of mangrove ecosystem in coastal area. This ecosystem has unique characteristics, distinctive and has the potential of biological richness. Coastal marine ecosystem is a natural resource that is productive as a provider of energy for community life in it. Tanjung Saleh village in Sungai Kakap district Kubu Raya regency has a mangrove forest which cover around 5000 hectare. The community in Tanjung Saleh village especially in Sub village Parit Pangeran has utilized the mangrove forest resources to fulf…
Kubu Raya district has common place of forest fire every dry season. Based from Unit Penanggulangan Hutan dan Lahan (UPKHL) of forestry of Ministry West Kalimantan Province data up to October 2013, there is 349 hotspots in Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Kubu Raya indeed susceptible of forest fires, it is cause by the terrain that dominated by peatlands that easily combusted. The purpose of this research is to identified and maping forest fire spot in Kubu Raya district based on parameter analysis of peat depth, elevation and land cover. Forest fire zone in Kubu Raya district identified using Geographic …
The knowledge gained from experience is very valuable and cannot be retrieved instantly. Dayak Seberuang Sub Tempunak Regency Sintang have knowledge utilization of wildlife has been done based on experiences such as the utilization of animals for medicinal, mystical, and ritualistic consumption of art, value, sign and other so on. This knowledge must be documented considering the height of the opening activity of the community land will affect the animal population the area and it is feared will eliminate the knowledge society will be the utilization of wildlife. This research aims to recor…
Mangrove forest and the community lived around it are two components that influence each other. The interaction between the two of them is unavoidable because they live in the same environment. Activities, perceptions or actions of the community can affect the sustainability of the existence and the preservation of mangrove forest. This study aims to describe the community perceptions towards mangrove forest and to analyze the correlation that affects community perceptions in Setapuk Besar village towards the level of knowledge, dependence, and cosmopolitanism. The technique of sampling employ…
This research aims to determine the role of the community in preserving the existence of mangrove forest sand the relationship of individual factors with public participation in mangrove forest conservation in the village of Batu Gajah. The samples are taken 75KK of 267KK. Data processing is using ChiSquare test. Research shows that community participation was medium because of them just want to get incentives from conservation activitiesandany divergence views on planting location. The individual factors such as age, income, and long lived perception has no real relation. While education and …
This research to determine the indirect use value of coastal protection by planting mangroves in Setapuk Besar Village and comparing the benefits between the development of coastal protection in biological and physical. research was carried out from July-August 2018. this study used descriptive quantitative method. Analyze the data using the replacement cost method. Interview was carried out only with key respondents who as acted the chairman of the SPM (Surya Perdana Mandiri) association in Setapuk Besar. The results showed that total costs incurred are based on planting, protection, work wag…
Utilization of non-wood products for woven crafts isone of the pottentials in Pangkalan Buton Village, Sukadana Subdistrict, North Kayong Regency and becomes a raw material in making woven crafts. The research aims to obtain types of non-wood forest products for woven handicrafts and to describe the types of woven handicraft products by the people of Pangkalan Buton Village, Sukadana District. Research using descriptive qualitative methods. Data Collection is done by intetview, observation, and documentation. The results showed that there are 6 types of plants that are used by the communit…
Forest ecosystem destruction is the biggest threat faced by orangutans, with narrower habitat because the area that became home clear land for oil palm plantations, mining, and the trees were felled for timber. Given the decreasing orangutan population caused by various factors, however, the organization Rehabilitation International Animal Rescue Foundation Indonesia (YIARI) Ketapang increasingly concerned and active to jointly maintain and conserve orangutans to avoid extinction. The purpose of this study to know the daily behavior of orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in (YIARI) Ketapang. Observatio…
This study aims to determine the level of tree species diversity in the forest vegetation of Mountain Semarong customary forest, one of the lowland secondary forest that have potential to be developed as research and education forest. Data and information about the vegetation include tree species composition and structure in the forest is needed.This study is done in four weeks, using transect method with random 10 lines 500 m length eachand each line consist of  25 plots 1 ha each.The tree vegetation in Mount Semarong customary forest consist of 42 spesies of  23 families. The highe…
This research aims to study the utilization and processing of tree species in daily activities by the community of Bukit Batu Village. Respondents is select using snowball sampling method, field observations and study literature. The results of the study are 22 types of tress from 15 family that been used by the socsiety of Bukit Batu village, Sungai Kunyit Subdistrict, Mempawah Regency. Of these 22 tree spescies divided into 4 groups including building 10 species, firewood 5 species, boat 7 species, and medicine1 species. The most widely used part of the tree is the stem 95%, twig…
In the concept of education according toMuhammad Iqbal ( Pakistani Philosopher who many engaged in the field of education ). Starting that human education should reflect the human nature itself. According to Muhammad Iqbal education must make people aware that there are two main self-worth in itself, namely sinsitivitas (sensitivity) and strength of self. The nature of senaitifitas means every child has to know the truth that is in him being born from birth. Then the nature of self power means that every child has a self reinforcing character to hold and translate the truth that is already in.