In order to maintain the environmental carrying capacity of coastal tourism, this research was conducted to determine the condition of river water environmental pollution in the Petitenget beach area and pollutant source activities. Determination of water quality is carried out by analyzing the water quality taken at several sampling points in the four rivers that lead to the Petitenget beach. Determined the pollution index value (IP) of the physical chemical and biological pollution parameters. The results showed that the four rivers that flow into the Petitenget Beach area had been contamina…
Paper ini mengkaji tentang keberadaan vegetasi pada area parkir kampus UNY. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah : mengetahui kriteria yang baik untuk vegetasi area parkir dan mengetahui manfaat dari vegetasi yang ada pada area parkir UNY. Hasil study menunjukkan bahwa:1).Vegetasi pada lahan parkir kampus UNY berfungsi sebagai peneduh, penyerap kebisingan, pengontrol iklm lokal, mengurangi pencemaran udara, batas pandang, pengarah, pemecah angin dan pengundang satwa. 2). Area parkir dengan vegetasi yang baik adalah vegetasi yang ditanam tidak beracun, tahan terhadap genangan, pengundang satwa dan buk…
The use of Agrochemicals for increasing the agricultural products are commonly applied on agricultural soils, especially the soil used for cultivatif cabbage in the area of Kintamani-Bangli, Province of Bali. Agricultural soils used for cultivatif cabbage in Kintamani area commonly apply inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides for increasing the products. However the use of these agrochemicals tends to uncontrol and causes the soils polluted. One factor of contamination of soil is the presence of heavy metals in the soil. Intensive use of inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides c…
Although the essence of human being has been questioned long times ago, there are many conceptual answers toward that question. Thus it is common if human beings, as social and individual creatures may try to question it to find new answers. The answer is mainly obtained by contemplating one's self based on the existing concept or reflecting one's self using an individual spiritual experience. The understanding to the essence of human beings described in this writing is based on the concept given by al-Syaikh al-Akbar ibn Arabi who is philosophical as well as sufistic. Who is a man? A man is "…
Paradigm scrutiny means the scrutiny of the system and its associated arrangement. The scope of the noble values in the spotlight of Islam is also very broad and deep that lies in the authentic books of salafiah, especially books that discuss morality and tasawwuf. This paper outlines the paradigm of Islamic noble values in the life of the nation and society. Factors that play a role in reestablishing the noble norms of the society's life order are numerous, depending on the living conditions in the midst of the society. The condition is always changing and developing like science, always proc…
In general, science advancement products can be used to solve problems faced by people or society, especially in the quest for a more prosperous life. While religion is seen as an impediment to the progress of science. This paper provides a discussion of the search for truth in the perspective of religion and science. It is understandable that between science and religion in achieving the truth is not as a condition or a status, but a process. This reminds us that the ultimate truth belongs to God alone, whereas the truth that man achieves through both science and religion is a temporary truth…
We have the expectation of the birth of change which makes our life blissful. Among the educators and the intellects, a new awareness is now there for growing and developing the open-mindedness (inclusive) on religion comprehension. The birth of intellectual thinking of transformative Islam, liberal, inclusive, contextual, and many other terms whatsoever are the new era for desecration of the thought of Islam (alla taqsidiyyah). Moreover, the contemporary liberal-inclusive thoughts such as Hassan Hanafi, Arkoun, al Jabiri, al Naim, and so forth were already introduced to the young intellects g…
This article explains that Islam, as a religion, demonstrates phenomena of social revolution. One of essential revolutions is Iranian Revolution. It has attracted almost all elements of society, from grass roots to elites. The discussion of Iranian Revolution is always interconnected with Moslem intellectuals. They were the decision makers of the revolution. There was the viewpoint discrepancy of Moslem intellectuals before and after the revolution. Before Iranian revolution, they had similar idea to end the authoritarian rezime (Reza Pahlevi) which was supported by the Western countries. Howe…
The actual discourse of religion which has ceased only in the plains of discourse (ideality) and religion as a necessity to apply (reality), has historically centered on the plurality of religions from time to time. Furthermore, there are several works that have colored the minds of scientists lately, not to mention the growing fertile repertoire of Islamic thought. This is one of the consequences of a serious debate on Islam at the level of indeal and reality. This discourse seems to be not only a great event in the field of science that passes by, but it is very meaningful for the followers …
In realizing the social demand in this turbulent environment and fulfilling the social needs of higher education, the management should consider the quality of education. Therefore, this study intends to adopt the theory of Total Quality Management (TQM), which has been developed and only understood by the managers of business institutions, to be applied in higher education institutions that are responsible for improving the quality of human resources. Although the TQM concept in higher education is still in controversy, this study is expected to give contribution to the creative thought. The …
ملخصتبين لنا من هذا البØØ« أن (دون) ظر٠مبهم منصر٠كثير ملازمة الظرÙية غير أنه نقل للاسمية Ùأخبر به ووص٠به بمعنى الشيء المنØØ· عن غيره لأن دلالة (دون) هي تقصير عن الغ…
Language consists of words organized based on grammar (Al-Qawaid alLughowiyyah) to construct sentences and of sound system representing specific meaning. Listening comprehension (Al-Maharah al Istima') is a skill in analyzing Arabic speech sounds to understand the text messages. Therefore, in practice it does not only need an understanding of textual meaning that refers to dictionary meaning (lexical meaning) or grammatical meaning, but also should take into account the linguistic aspects, that is, grammar (Nahwu and Sharf) and semantic unit (Ashwat). Considering the phenomena, the writer want…
Each language has its own uniqueness because of the existence of cultural concepts that exist in it. To bring clarity to the translation of the nuanced cultural speech, including those contained in the imperative verses, often becomes an obstacle in translation. The study, which used a qualitative-evaluative approach with the design of embedded case study research, aims to reveal the clarity of the translation of imperative verses that have cultural nuance meanings. Samples were selected purposively regarding imperative verses that have specific pragmatic meanings. The clarity of the translati…
Kabupaten Pati merupakan salah satu daerah di Jawa Tengah yang memiliki potensi besar dalam bidang pertanian. Slogan Pati Bumi Mina Tani sangat tepat diberikan untuk daerah ini mengingat banyaknya komoditi pertaniannya yang menjadi andalan seperti misalnya padi, ketela pohon, pisang, kacang hijau, semangka, tebu, kelapa kopyor, kopi, cengkeh, perikanan laut dan masih banyak lagi. Bahkan tidak sedikit dari komoditi tersebut yang berkualitas ekspor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pertumbuhan tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Pati dan menganalisis potensi ekspor hasil pertanian tan…
The purpose of this study to analyze the sub-sectors superior of agriculture are most strategic to be developed in each district to support economic growth in Wonosobo regency. The analysis tools is the Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share, Klassen Typologi, schallogram, and Overlay. The results showed superior agricultural sub-sectors in each district Wonosobo food crops sub-sector is located in the District Sapuran, Kaliwiro, Sukoharjo, Selomerto, and Mojotengah. Livestock sub-sector in Sub Kertek, and Wonosobo. Forestry sub-sector located in the District Sapuran, Kalibawang, and Kaliwiro. Ar…
Nilai tukar merupakan salah satu indikator penting ekonomi. Menguatkan kurs mengambang Indonesia penuh dalam mengambang bebas, dimana perubahan nilai tukar dipengaruhi oleh penawaran dan permintaan. Pergerakan nilai tukar di Indonesia mengalami fluktuasi yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor baik internal maupun eksternal. Ini pergerakan nilai tukar akan berdampak pada perekonomian sehingga melakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergerakan nilai tukar jumlah uang beredar, suku bunga SBI, impor, dan cadangan devisa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adala…
Kabupaten Temanggung sebagai sentra kopi di Jawa Tengah ikut berperan dalam kontribusi produksi kopi Jawa Tengah. Kecamatan Candiroto sebagai daerah penghasil kopi terbesar dan luas lahan terluas di Kabupaten Temanggung memiliki banyak hambatan untuk berkontribusi dalam pencapaian produksi kopi Jawa Tengah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hambatan dan strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkan usahatani kopi dalam upaya peningkatan produksi di Kecamatan Candiroto Kabupaten Temanggung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk…
Loan to Deposit Ratio kredit belum menunjukan optimalisasi sesuai dengan peraturan Bank Indonesia yaitu berkisar 85%-110%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan DPK, CAR, dan NPL, dan menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh CAR, DPK, NPL, terhadap LDR dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang bank umum di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah time series berdasarkan bulanan tahun 2009-2013 yang diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia dan Otoritas jasa keuangan (OJK). Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Error Corection Model (ECM) dan menggunakan uji asumsi klasik. Hasil dalam jangka panjang CAR tidak be…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah fungsi kesehatan, pendidikan, perumahan dan fasilitas umum di Indonesia tahun 2008 â 2013. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengeluaran pemerintah fungsi kesehatan, pendidikan, perumahan dan fasilitas umum dan jumlah penduduk miskin provinsi di Indonesia tahun 2008-2013. Data dianalisis dengan metode kuantitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan tingkat signifikansi 95% (α=5%). Hasil analisa data dengan uji t dan F menunjukkan seluruh variabel independen berp…