The 1st international conference to be organized by the International ICT Application Research Society (IAR 2023), Outstanding Paper Award, Shun Okuhara, Ryo Sugawara, Masanori Takagi, Takayuki Ito, Examining the influence of agents on human decision making: A study on debating AI and opinion change, Fukui, 2023.9.12
Best Presentation Award of the 1st Workshop on ICT for Decision-Making (WICT-DM 2024) with BCD2024-summer, Ryo Sugawara, Makoto Watanabe, Case study of career awareness of foreigners working in Hokkaido as a result of studying abroad, The 1st Workshop on ICT for Decision-Making (WICT-DM 2024) with BCD2024-summer, Kitakyushu, 2024.7.18
"Career awareness of foreigners working in Hokkaido as a result of studying abroad", Big Data and Data Science Engineering,7, (Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, 759),Ryo Sugawara, Makoto Watanabe, Shun Okuhara, Springer, March 3. 2025. ISBN 978-3031783722
経済協力開発機構(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)(著)、菅原良(監訳)、福田哲哉(監訳)、松下慶太(監訳)『若者のキャリア形成-スキルの獲得から就業力の向上、アントレプレナーシップの育成-<OECDスキル・アウトルック2015>』(明石書店、2017年5月)
経済協力開発機構(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)(著)、菅原良(監訳)、松下慶太(監訳)、『国際化のなかのスキル形成-グローバルバリューチェーンは雇用を創出するのか-<OECDスキル・アウトルック2017>』(明石書店、2019年6月)
経済協力開発機構(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)(著)、菅原良(監訳)、松下慶太(監訳)、『デジタル世界のスキル形成 ――デジタルトランスフォーメーションが導く仕事・生活・学び<OECDスキル・アウトルック2019>』(明石書店、2021年10月)