死の舞踏(しのぶとう、英語: Dance of death)とは、中世末期の14世紀から15世紀のヨーロッパで流布した寓話、およびそれをもとにした一連の絵画や彫刻の様式である。ダンスマカブル(フランス語: La Danse Macabre)、ダンツァマカブラ(イタリア語: La Danza Macabra)、トーテンタンツ(ドイツ語: Totentanz)などともいう。
Israil Bercovici (1998) O sută de ani de teatru evriesc în România ("One hundred years of Yiddish/Jewish theater in Romania"), 2nd Romanian-language edition, revised and augmented by Constantin Măciucă. Editura Integral (an imprint of Editurile Universala), Bucharest. ISBN 973-98272-2-5.
James M. Clark (1947), The Dance of Death by Hans Holbein, London.
James M. Clark (1950) The Dance of Death in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
André Corvisier (1998) Les danses macabres, Presses Universitaires de France. ISBN 2-13-049495-1.
Natalie Zemon Davis (1956), "Holbein's Pictures of Death and the Reformation at Lyons," Studies in the Renaissance, vol. 3 (1956), pp. 97–130.
Rolf Paul Dreier (2010) Der Totentanz - ein Motiv der kirchlichen Kunst als Projektionsfläche für profane Botschaften (1425–1650), Leiden, ISBN 978-90-90-25111-0 with CD-ROM: Verzeichnis der Totentänze
Werner L. Gundersheimer (1971), The Dance of Death by Hans Holbein the Younger: A Complete Facsimile of the Original 1538 Edition of Les simulachres et histoirees faces de la Mort. New york: Dover Publications, Inc.
William M. Ivins Jr. (1919), "Hans Holbein's Dance of Death," The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, vol. 14, no. 11 (Nov., 1919). pp. 231–235.
Landau, David, & Peter Parshall (1996), The Renaissance Print, New Haven (CT): Yale, 1996
Sophie Oosterwijk and Stefanie Knoell (2011), Mixed Metaphors. The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4438-2900-7.
Romania, National Library of ... - Illustrated Latin translation of the Danse macabre, late 15th century. treasure 4
Meinolf Schumacher (2001), "Ein Kranz für den Tanz und ein Strich durch die Rechnung. Zu Oswald von Wolkenstein 'Ich spür ain tier' (Kl 6)", Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, vol. 123 (2001), pp. 253–273.
Ann Tukey Harrison (1994), with a chapter by Sandra L. Hindman, The Danse Macabre of Women: Ms.fr. 995 of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Kent State University Press. ISBN 0-87338-473-3.
Wilson, Derek (2006) Hans Holbein: Portrait of an Unknown Man. London: Pimlico, Revised Edition.
Hans Georg Wehrens: Der Totentanz im alemannischen Sprachraum. "Muos ich doch dran - und weis nit wan". Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-7954-2563-0.
Elina Gertsman (2010), The Dance of Death in the Middle Ages. Image, Text, Performance. Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, 3. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers. ISBN 978-2-503-53063-5
[1] Sophie Oosterwijk (2004), 'Of corpses, constables and kings: the Danse Macabre in late-medieval and renaissance culture', The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 157, 61-90.
[2] Sophie Oosterwijk (2006), '"Muoz ich tanzen und kan nit gân?" Death and the infant in the medieval Danse Macabre', Word & Image, 22:2, 146-64.
Sophie Oosterwijk (2008), 'Of dead kings, dukes and constables. The historical context of the Danse Macabre in late-medieval Paris', Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 161, 131-62.
[3] Sophie Oosterwijk (2008), '"For no man mai fro dethes stroke fle". Death and Danse Macabre iconography in memorial art', Church Monuments, 23, 62-87, 166-68
[4] Sophie Oosterwijk and Stefanie Knoell (2011), Mixed Metaphors. The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4438-2900-7.
Marek Żukow-Karczewski (1989), Taniec śmierci (Dance macabre), Życie Literackie ("Literary Life" - literary review magazine), 43, 4.
[5] Sophie Oosterwijk (2009), '"Fro Paris to Inglond"? The danse macabre in text and image in late-medieval England', Doctoral thesis Leiden University available online.
Images of Danse Macabre (2001) Conceptual performance by Antonia Svobodová and Mirek Vodrážka in Čajovna Pod Stromem Čajovým in Prague 22 May 2001'.