北欧抵抗運動 (英語 : Nordic Resistance Movement 、NRM)[ Note 2] は汎北方人種主義[ 16] [ 17] 、ネオナチ[ 18] [ 19] [ 20] を掲げる北欧諸国 での運動及び、スウェーデン の政党である。スウェーデンに加え、ノルウェー 、デンマーク 、アイスランド でも設立されている。2019年に禁止されるまでは、フィンランド にも設立されていた。民主主義を廃止するという目的や、準軍事的活動、武器の秘密所持、また、ロシア帝国運動 、ナショナル・アクション 、アゾフ大隊 といった、非難されるべきテロ組織との繋がりから、テロ組織と見なされてきた[ 21] [ 22] [ 23] 。2022年には、アメリカ合衆国議会 の一部の議員により、テロ組織認定リストに加えるべきであるという提言がなされ始めた[ 24] [ 25] [ 26] 。
北欧抵抗運動の目的は、「スウェーデン、フィンランド、ノルウェー、デンマーク、アイスランド、そしてバルト三国 でさえも」含む北欧のネオナチ全体主義 国家の設立である[ 27] [ 28] 。NRM自身では、目標を次のように表している。「抵抗運動は、国家を全体主義的指導に基づく国家の創設に努めるが、我々のゴールは、自由と民主主義を発展させ、守ることでもある。北欧国家社会主義共和国は、総統国家であるが、人民民主主義国家でもあるのだ」[ 29] [ 30] 。
NRMは、その闘争の過程には流血も必要であると主張している[ 31] 。NMRは、出版物の中で、アドルフ・ヒトラー [ 32] やコルネリウ・コドレアヌ を称賛している。彼らの主要戦術は、リーフレットの配布と、都心部でのパブリック・スピーチである。彼らは、その中で、ネオナチへの支持や、移民排斥を呼び掛けている。彼らは、Nationellt Motstånd という雑誌も出版している[ 33] [ 34] 。
^ Originally banned in November 2017, but only took effect in March 2019 after Hovrätt upheld the decision, as per Finnish law
^ NRM ; スウェーデン語 : Nordiska motståndsrörelsen, NMR ; Norwegian : ノルウェー語 (ブークモール) : Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen, NMB ; ノルウェー語 (ニーノシュク) : Nordiske motstandsrørsla NMR; フィンランド語 : Pohjoismainen Vastarintaliike, PVL ; アイスランド語 : Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin , NMH; デンマーク語 : Den nordiske modstandsbevægelse, NMB
^ Holmqvist, Simon (6 June 2017). “Nationaldagsreflektion: Vilken fana ska vi samlas under? ” (スウェーデン語). www.nordfront.se . 5 April 2018 閲覧。
^ Kenes, Bulent (28 April 2021). “NMR: A Nordic neo-Nazi organization with aims of establishing totalitarian rule across Scandinavia ”. European Center for Populism Studies . 29 September 2022 閲覧。 “Tommy Olsen assumed leadership after Forwald left to join Klas Lund’s Nordic Strength in 2019...Led by Ríkharður Leó Magnússon, NMR Iceland held its first demonstration in Reykjavik in September 2019.”
^ a b c d Cruickshank, Paul; Hummel, Kristina, eds (22 December 2021). “The Iron March Forum and the Evolution of the "Skull Mask" Neo-Fascist Network” . CTC Sentinel (West Point, New York : Combating Terrorism Center ) 14 (10): 27–37. オリジナル の27 December 2021時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20211227044425/https://ctc.usma.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/CTC-SENTINEL-102021.pdf 19 January 2022 閲覧 . "Finally, the Nordic Resistance Movement also has a long history with O9A that predates its ties to Iron March. Haakon Forwald, head of the Norwegian branch from 2010 to 2019, was a devotee of a Scandinavian O9A current variously known as the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, the Temple of Black Light, and Current 218. The magazine of the Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement featured articles on O9A spiritual practices and on the work of Kerry Bolton of the Black Order"
^ “Nazister döms till fängelse för bombdåden i Göteborg ” (Swedish). aftonbladet.se . Gothenburg : Aftonbladet . 25 June 2021時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ 。22 September 2018 閲覧。
^ “Nazister vill frikännas efter bombdomarna ” (Swedish). gp.se . Gothenburg : Göteborgs-Posten (28 July 2017). 24 February 2021時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ 。28 July 2017 閲覧。
^ “Vår väg, punkt 1 ” (Swedish). nordfront.se . Nordic Resistance Movement. 25 June 2021時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ 。15 December 2015 閲覧。
^ “How the expansion of the European Union has facilitated the rise of the New Right in Austria and the United Kingdom. ” (English). thesydneytory.com . The Sydney Tory. 3 April 2019時点のオリジナル よりアーカイブ。28 June 2017 閲覧。
^ “Neo-Nazi organization to march in Fredrikstad - Norway Today ” (English) (30 April 2017). 3 December 2019時点のオリジナル よりアーカイブ。4 April 2018 閲覧。
^ Nyheter, S. V. T. (7 July 2009). “Extremister hot mot individer” (Swedish). SVT Nyheter (Västernorrland County : Sveriges Television ). オリジナル の8 March 2021時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20210308145533/https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasternorrland/extremister-hot-mot-individer 7 July 2009 閲覧。
^ “Den tredje vägen ” (Swedish). nordfront.se . Nordic Resistance Movement. 30 May 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ 。31 January 2017 閲覧。
^ “The case against the Nordic Resistance Movement in Finland: an overview and some explanations ”. University of Oslo Center for Research on Extremism. 2 November 2020 閲覧。 “It is notable however, that some NRM activists have reasoned that only radical measures will be effective post-ban, thus coming to support e.g. the accelerationist model of activity. Certain members of the group have also appeared as contributors to publications that promote esoteric forms of neo-Nazism. A corresponding shift towards a more “cultic” direction has also been observed in the United Kingdom after the banning of the National Action (NA).”
^ “The Iron March Forum and the Evolution of the "Skull Mask" Neo-Fascist Network ”. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point (22 December 2021). December 28, 2021 閲覧。 “Finally, the Nordic Resistance Movement also has a long history with O9A that predates its ties to Iron March. Haakon Forwald, head of the Norwegian branch from 2010 to 2019, was a devotee of a Scandinavian O9A current variously known as the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, the Temple of Black Light, and Current 218. The magazine of the Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement featured articles on O9A spiritual practices and on the work of Kerry Bolton of the Black Order.”
^ a b “Dangerous Organizations and Bad Actors: Nordic Resistance Movement” . Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey . (19 November 2022). https://www.middlebury.edu/institute/academics/centers-initiatives/ctec/ctec-publications/dangerous-organizations-and-bad-actors-nordic . "Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) is a neofascist and accelerationist organization with a strong propensity for violence...NRM is a neofascist organization with a propensity towards accelerationist tactics. While upholding traditional facets of neofascism, including the goal of establishing a white Nordic ethnostate, NRM’s history also points to widespread support for other openly accelerationist organizations and simultaneous endorsements from explicitly accelerationist organizations and networks like the Iron March forum...NRM publicly supports a number of openly militant accelerationist organizations, including Atomwaffen Division (AWD) and Russian Imperial Movement (RIM)."
^ “Alliansen – alternativ for Norge” (ノルウェー語). Antirasistisk Senter . https://antirasistisk.no/alliansen-alternativ-for-norge/ 2022年6月7日 閲覧。
^ a b Potter, Nicholas (6 January 2021) "The Pan-European "Ikea Fascism" of Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen" Archived 13 June 2021 at the Wayback Machine . Belltower.News
^ Askanius, Tina (29 April 2021). “Women in the Nordic Resistance Movement and their online media practices: between internalised misogyny and "embedded feminism"”. Feminist Media Studies 22 (7): 1763–1780. doi :10.1080/14680777.2021.1916772 . ISSN 1468-0777 . "...the Nordic Resistance Movement—a pan-Nordic organisation with chapters in Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland."
^ Fontaine, Andie Sophia (4 August 2016). “Swedish Neo-Nazis Come To Iceland, Seeking Recruits” . The Reykjavík Grapevine . オリジナル の6 August 2016時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20160806160102/https://grapevine.is/news/2016/08/04/swedish-neo-nazis-come-to-iceland-seeking-recruits/ 15 May 2021 閲覧 . "...the NRM, which seeks to form a pan-Nordic state..."
^ Askanius, Tina (1 February 2021). “On Frogs, Monkeys, and Execution Memes: Exploring the Humor-Hate Nexus at the Intersection of Neo-Nazi and Alt-Right Movements in Sweden” (英語). Television & New Media 22 (2): 147–165. doi :10.1177/1527476420982234 . ISSN 1527-4764 . "...the neo-Nazi organization the Nordic Resistance Movement in Sweden..."
^ “Finnish court bans neo-Nazi group” . Reuters . (30 November 2017). オリジナル の30 November 2017時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20171130165801/https://www.reuters.com/article/us-finland-farright-court/finnish-court-bans-neo-nazi-group-idUSKBN1DU22K 15 May 2021 閲覧 . "A Finnish court banned neo-Nazi group the Nordic Resistance Movement (PVL) on Thursday..."
^ Harkov, Lahav; Joffre, Tzvi (5 October 2020). “Sweden may ban 'racist organizations' after neo-Nazi Yom Kippur campaign” . The Jerusalem Post . https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/sweden-may-ban-racist-organizations-after-neo-nazi-yom-kippur-campaign-644589 15 May 2021 閲覧 . "The Nordic Resistance Movement, a neo-Nazi group, targeted Jews in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland with antisemitic harassment during the week before Yom Kippur."
^ Ankersen, Dag (4 May 2017). “Terrorforskare: "NMR definitivt en terrorgrupp" [Terrorist researcher: "NMR definitely a terrorist group"]” (スウェーデン語). ETC . https://www.etc.se/inrikes/terrorforskare-nmr-definitivt-en-terrorgrupp 23 July 2018 閲覧。
^ “Vuodetut viestit paljastavat: Natsijärjestö PVL yritti kosiskella isoa yleisöä ja käänsi samalla selän kaikista radikaaleimmille seuraajilleen ” [The leaked messages reveal: The Nazi organization PVL tried to woo a large audience and at the same time turned its back on its most radical followers] (フィンランド語). Finnish Broadcasting Company (22 September 2020). 22 September 2020 閲覧。
^ “"За Рассею пострадать хочу". Почему в Швеции судят националиста из СССР ”. BBC News (7 April 2020). 2023年6月2日 閲覧。
^ “Biden administration pressed by lawmaker to label white supremacists overseas as terrorists ”. Reuters (9 March 2022). 2023年6月2日 閲覧。
^ “Neo-Nazis Must Go On Terror Blacklist, House Democrats Demand ”. The Forward (9 March 2022). 2023年6月2日 閲覧。
^ Solberg, Trine (October 19, 2019). “Amerikanske demokrater vil ha Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen på terrorliste [American Democrats want the Nordic Resistance Movement on the terrorist list]” (Norwegian). Nettavisen . https://www.nettavisen.no/nyheter/amerikanske-demokrater-vil-ha-den-nordiske-motstandsbevegelsen-pa-terrorliste/s/12-95-3423864628 September 28, 2021 閲覧。
^ “Nordiska motståndsrörelsen delade ut 500 000 flygblad ”. Inblick.se . 16 November 2020時点のオリジナル よりアーカイブ。21 October 2020 閲覧。
^ “Vår väg, punkt 4 ”. 18 December 2015 閲覧。
^ Framtidens styre
^ “Vår väg, punkt 4 ”. 18 December 2015 閲覧。
^ “Exklusiv intervju med första avhopparen från nazistgruppen Svenska motståndsrörelsen” (スウェーデン語). Adaktusson's blogg. オリジナル の27 June 2009時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20090627025411/http://adaktusson.blog.mtgnewmedia.se/2009/05/12/exklusiv-intervju-med-forsta-avhopparen-fran-nazistgruppen-svenska-motstandsrorelsen/
^ “Patriot.nu ” (2 March 2012). 2 March 2012時点のオリジナル よりアーカイブ。1 October 2017 閲覧。
^ Svenska motståndsrörelsen (29 December 2017). “Nationellt motstånd: trohet, ära, styrka.”. Nationellt Motstånd: Trohet, ära, Styrka. . OCLC 185269901 .
^ Stefan Lisinski; Lasse Wierup (25 November 2003). “Nazistledare gripen för vapenbrott” (スウェーデン語). DN. http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/nazistledare-gripen-for-vapenbrott/