利用者:Kurt Jansson/questions

About the community (コミュニティについて)

Question 1

1. conflict resolution
Which mechanisms do exist to settle or mediate disputes or conflicts?
(1. 紛争の解決: 論争や紛争の解決・仲裁のためのシステムとしてどういう仕組みがありますか?)意見を書く

  • 紛争解決は明確に制度化されていない。「コメント依頼」(後述)「ブロック依頼」からなる二段階の紛争解決が文書化されているが、強制力はない。紛争解決専門のユーザグループは、コミュニティの公選による公のもの(cf. Arbcom)と、自薦によるボランティアグループ(cf. enwiki: MedCabal)を問わず、存在しない。「コメント依頼」 (WP:RFC)のページがあり、紛争解決の場であると考えられているが、使用は義務ではない。またコメント依頼は自由回答型で、誰でもはじめることができ、明確な構造をもたない(英語版のRFCのような定まったフォーマットや運営規則を備えていない)。コメント依頼の性格をめぐっても、統一された意見は存在せず、しばしば議論になる。コメント依頼への参加資格も明確に定義されておらず、しばしば(すでに無期限ブロックされた人物をも含めた)非登録ユーザが発言する。「ブロック依頼」はコミュニティの投票により、一定の投稿歴のあるログインユーザに発言資格がある。実際の紛争解決は、問題に気づいた利用者が自主的に議論などを通じて問題の解決に参加することで行われている。議論への参加を呼びかける手段としては、WP:VP井戸端、ポータル、記事上でのテンプレートでの誘導など複数の手段が使われている。紛争解決のための議論は多くウィキ上で行われ、MLとIRCの利用はまれである。

Answer 1.

Japanese Wikipedia community has not clearly organized dispute resolution system. Official policies provide the community with two stages resolution system, made from “Requests for comments” (WP:RFC, see below) and “Requests for blocking”(WP:RFB), while it is not mandatory to use those all stages. There is no specific user group for resolutions, either official one (cf. Arbcom) voted by the community or volunteering informal one (cf. MedCabal on English Wikipedia).

The page “Requests for comments” (WP:RFC) is considered a place for conflict resolution, although it is not obligated to bring a dispute up to that page. Comments are collected as free answers and everyone can start calling for comment on a topic. It lacks any official format or procedure which Enwiki RFC obtains. On the community there is no standard opinion what WP:RFC is to be (e.g. if the person in the subject should comment or not), and what WP:RFC is itself a frequently disputed topic. There is no clear eligibility to submit to WP:RFC, anonymous editors (including sockpuppets of indefinitely blocked people) therefore appear sometimes.

As for “Requests for blocking” only registered editors with rule-defined amount of edit activity are eligible to submit their comments and vote.

Informal dispute resolutions are cared by volunteering editors who find problems eventually and decide to be involved. They join discussions on talk pages, try to take wider audience’s attention or use the method described above. Several ways are used to take community’s attention, including WP:VP (known “idobata”), Portal pages’ talks, notes using template on articles. Most of discussions to solve conflicts happen on the wiki, mailing list (wikija-l@lists.wikimedia.org) or IRC (#wikipedia-jp and other freenode channels) are seldom utilized.

Question 2

2. dealing with problematic behavior
Which kinds of problematic or destructive behavior do you often find yourself confronted with? Which actions are taken to meet these?
(2. 問題ある振る舞いの扱い: しばしば見たり、自分も出会ったことのある、ユーザーの問題のある言動や、破壊的行動として、どういう種類のものがありますか? このような問題にはどういうアクションで対処されていますか?)意見を書く

  • 記事については、記事への悪戯、意図的な白紙化や改竄、著作権侵害投稿など。また利用者では、個人攻撃や、議論の攪乱、唯我独尊的な態度による問題の紛糾など。これに対しては、会話ページへの警告や、コメント依頼、ブロック依頼などがあるが、一部のユーザーはウィキペディアに恨みや反発を持ち、ブロック後、ソックパペットを大量に使い、荒らしを行うなど。多重アカウントによる多数派偽装工作なども紛争の折には出てくる。2007年に入ってからは、従来の投票制の投稿ブロック依頼とは別に、荒らしや個人攻撃、暴言などは、管理者伝言板に報告し、管理者が審議抜きで裁量によってブロックするという対処法が導入された。これは一定の効果を持ったが、他方で、半年、一年、またはそれ以上に渡り、ウィキペディアを延々攻撃する、無期限ブロックを受けたユーザーのソックパペット攻撃が数・量・質共に甚大なものとなり、監視用ブラックリストが増える一方で、対処する管理者やユーザーに大きな負担となっている。

Answer 2.

Articles suffered many problems: vandalism, blanking, intentional submission of false information or copyright infringement. Between users, personal attacks, disruption on discussions or proudly stubborn users cause heated disputes. To solve those problems, users utilize talk page to submit a warning, or project pages including Requests for comment and requests for blocking (On Japanese Wikipedia blocking is determined on community vote). Some banned users have held grudges against Wikipedia, and vandalize it, using sockpuppets (multiple accounts). Multiple accounts is used also in heated arguments for fraudulent that an opinion is supported by many people. In 2007, Admins’ noticeboard was launched where admins received reports on vandals, personal attacks and uncivil comments and deal those incidents on their discretion, instead of community vote which had been dealt with those incidents also as well as other disputes. Introduction of new scheme sort out the situation to some extent, but attack from indefinitely banned users with multiple accounts is tend to continue for a long time over months or even over a year, watching their disruptive behavior s is a burden for admins and users who records their attack and fight with those malicious users. As for Watching tools, irc.wikimedia.org channels and VandalFighter are not popular on Japanese community, and people detect vandalism in sight on Recentchange report generated by Linky-ja and posted to #wikipedia-ja-article or just on Recentchanges of Wikipedia directly.

Question 3

3. working climate and culture of discussion
How would you describe the working climate in your community? How do you characterize its culture of discussion? Are working tasks and roles assigned specifically, or do you handle this rather flexibly?
(3. 作業環境や慣習、議論のスタイル: 日本語版コミュニティにおける作業環境や慣習はどういうものだと考えますか? 議論のスタイルの特徴はどうでしょうか? どのように作業するか、どんな役割を果たすか、明確に決めていますか。または、むしろ柔軟、臨機応変に作業していますか?)意見を書く

  • 日本語版での記事作成の作業環境は、基本的に執筆者任せである。日本語版は、匿名IPユーザーが非常に多く、議論や話し合いが成立しにくい。また外部に「2ちゃんねる[1]という巨大な無責任匿名掲示板サイトが日本語ではあり、そこから愉快犯や、筋違いの個人攻撃をする者がやって来て、記事編集や議論の妨害をすることが問題である。作業や役割分担は、管理者などは当然いるが、記事編集や議論などでは、誰が何をするというような割り当てはなく、各自が得意な分野や関心ある活動について、色々としている状況である。ウィキプロジェクトもあり、一部の分野では記事の書式などが定められてるが、全体的に、あまりうまく機能しない。

Answer 3.

Regarding the working climate of producing articles in the ja-wikipedia, editing works are up to each editors in general. There are difficulties in discussions and concensus making processes in ours, because that extraordinarily many anonymous IP users exist in contrast to other communities.

In addition, there exist the gigantic sites, out of ja-wikip, so-called 2 Channel (Ni-channeru ), which operate tons of (almost million) bulletin boards where many anonymous people write messages freely without correctness/responsibilities, and from which people visit to ours who make vandalisms and attackings to users of our community, thus obstructing discussions and editing processes in ours. Really serious problems. This 2 Channel is the very unique site and no similar sites exist in other languages.

Regarding assignments of working tasks and roles, there are no distinct ones, though admins etc. exist. Each persons do their variois activities in their favaourite/interesting fields. We have also wiki-projects, and establishing editing format for articles in some partial fields, but overall they don't seem to function well.

(Addition) : We have wiki-portals too. Portals take some parts of promoting creations of new articles and improvements of poor articles. These achieve some results. But portals are overall tend to be inactive since people joining and working in portals are few. There are also /Request for New artcle creation/, /Clean-up request/, /Request for expanding article/. They have some effectiveness, though not sufficient.

Question 4

4. self-assessment of the community
How do you assess yourself as a community? Where do you spot strengths and weaknesses, also in comparison to other Wikipedia communities? Are there communities on which you orientate yourselves? (This question refers to the community itself, not the created articles; see item 8.)
(4. 日本語版コミュニティについての自己評価: 日本語版コミュニティをどのように評価されますか? 長所と短所はどこにあると思いますか。他の言語版コミュニティと較べたときどうですか? 見本にしたいと考えているコミュニティはありますか? -この質問は、記事についてではなく、コミュニティについてのものです。質問8を参照-)意見を書く

  • 全体的には、コミュニティとして、うまく成立しているとは思えない。ガイドライン文書などが、英語の翻訳で、日本の文化に合わないところがあり、また膨大な量があるため、多くの人は理解できていない。
また日本語は、孤立言語であるが、1億2千万の話者が存在し、そのため日本語だけでコミュニケーション可能なため、現在のデファクト共通語とも言える英語に通じている人がどうしても少なく、国際性の確保が難しい。そのため、コミュニティとしても孤立し、閉鎖する傾向がある。その例としては、wikimania への参加者が少ない、財団への寄付も、日本円のものがユーザー規模に比したいへん少なく、インターナショナルなプロジェクトの自覚が希薄なことがある。
  • (別少数意見 other minor opinion)他の言語版からの移入は、英語版を除くと、中国語版からの可能がありえる。しかし中国語版は項目数・質ともにまだ貧弱であり、中国語版の充実が望まれる。日本では、欧米の文化の研究に大きな蓄積があるが、それ以上に長く大きな中国の文化研究の歴史と蓄積がある。将来、専門家の参加などで、中国に関する記事が飛躍的に充実する可能性がある。ただ、サブカルチャ的な分野(三国志のゲームなど)が大きくなる危険性がある。

Answer 4.

Totally, we evaluate that our community does not seem to stand and operate well. There are maybe many reasons which can not be clearly analyzed and understood at present. One thing we want to point out is that our guidelines documents etc. are translation of those in English, and expression style of sentences and ideas are not well fitted with Japanese culture, so unfamiliar/difficult to understand to most ja-wikipedia users. And in addition, they have so large volumes that many members of our community can not sufficiently understand them.

As for the characteristics of ja-community which we should tell, the ratio of anonymous IP users are so large, and the mainly negative effects of the above-mentioned gigantic bulletin boards site, i.e. 2 Channel are problems. Particularly, (malicious) personal attacks to the users of our community by anonymous ones, which might be originated from this gigantic site, are highly severe beyond expression. There do exist no such problem in the other language communities.

And the fact that Japanese language is unique language isolate, yet which has almost 1 hundred and twenty million (120 million) speakers. Therefore, we can communicate and talk almost everythings from ancient Greek civilization and its philosophies to latest scientific topics such as bio-technology, computer sciences by Japanese, but this results that our members feel difficulty to communicate with people of other language communities by contemporary de-facto world common-language (ligua franca in the present world), i.e. English. So, our community has tendency of lack of internationality. For instance, participants of wikimania are few, or the ratio of contributions to the Wikimedia foundation in Japanese Yen is very small, comparing to the largeness of our product and community scale (our encyclopedia has around 350 thousand articles.) This shows the lack of our consciousness that wikipedia is the project international. Our community may be characterized by its closed, self-contained culture.

In addition, we have fairly introduced articles from English wikip, or sometimes fr-wikip, de-wikip, through translation. But reverse movements are relatively low. (On the other hand, Korean or Chinese wikip's seem to introduce from Ja-wikip, but reverse movements are also low.)

There is other distinct problem, that is, we have few admins (now around 55 persons), which is too small number when considering our community size. Our community has few strongs, and has many problems indicating our weaknesses.

(Other minor opinion) : Regardng transference from other languages, it may be possible that there will be introduction of articles from Chinese wikipedia, besides from en-wikip. But Chinese wikip stays yet in poor conditions and has small number of articles, and their quality is low. We hope enrichment/improvement of zh-wikip both in volumes and quality. Japan possesses large accumulation of studies on the European and American cultures. In addition, Japan possesses more large accumulation and longer hitory of studies on Chinese cultures. In future, if we obtain participation of strong and many specialists to our community, there is possibility that articles relating to China will be dramatically enriched. However, there may be also risks of excessive enlargement of articles in sub-cultural fields (comics, animes, and games taking their stages in Chinese historical episodes such as Sangoku-shi).

About the created product (事典編纂について)

Question 5

5. definition as an encyclopedia / role models
What do you demand from the texts of your encyclopedia? How do you conceive your encyclopedic product: More as a pragmatic knowledge and information database or rather as standing in the tradition of classical encyclopedias? Are there reference works from past and present which serve as role models?
(5. 百科事典としての定義 / 役割モデル: 日本語版百科事典の記事文面には何が必要と考えていますか? 百科事典的な記事とはどういうものだと考えますか-百科辞典的が意味する概念は? 実際的な知識や情報データベースのようなものか、またはむしろ古典的な百科事典の伝統的概念に近いでしょうか? 役割モデルの働きをする、古今の作品で参考にするものはありますか?)意見を書く

  • 現状として、あまりに最近のことや、サブカルチャ(漫画,アニメ,映画,テレビ番組,J-POPなど)関係が多いので、もっと歴史的視野を持った記事が欲しいし、そのような視点を持った記述・編集が望ましい。日本語版では、「百科事典的」は、紙の百科事典とは異なる、ある意味、無限の容量を持つ事典なので、項目は百科事典の記事に値いするものは幾らでも増やしてゆき、記事分量も多ければ多いほどよいという考えがある。他方で、必要な記載に留めるべきと云う意見もあるが少数派と思える。「情報データベースではない」という考えである。古典的な百科事典をモデルに、電子媒体を使った容量無際限の百科事典というコンセプトが有力。ただし、サブカルチャでは、データベース的な方向に向かっているようである。役割モデルは、紙の日本語百科事典を意識している人がいるが、少数で、多くの編集者は、何でも書く場所だという考えで、モデルを持っていない。

Answer 5.

As the current conditions, we feel that most editors are lack of wide-range of knowledges, historical visions and recognitions, therefore the articles relating to sub-cultural fields, such as manga (comics), animes, cinema-films, TV broadcast programmes, or J-POP (Japanese pop music), take very large part, and also recent materials which have no range of historical traditions, such as topics, events, new words, new concepts taken place in only recent 1 or 2 years time span, have attracted many users. We hope editors have more wide historical and global views.

In our wikip, people have the opinion that electronic/ computer technology based wikip-Encyclopedia may have infinite capacity, which is thought to be the major difference from traditional paper encyclopediae, so infinite entries, large volumes are desirable. On the other hand, there is another opinion that volumes of each articles shall have adequate, proper size, that is, wikipedia shall not be simple accumulation of data. The latter seems to be minor group.

Regarding to role models, a few people need some models and consider the traditional paper Japanese encyclopediae as model, but most editors' opinion is that wikip is the place where they write anything, and seem not to have clear model images.

(Remark) : one person says this is but personal opinion.

Question 6

6. article quality
How important is the quality of the articles for you? Which actions do you take in your community to raise the level of quality and improve the articles? (Examples could be the election of featured and good articles, writing contests and time or theme oriented quality initiatives.) Which exclusion criteria are there to enforce low level demands about article quality?
(6. 記事の質: 記事の質はどの程度に重要と考えますか? 記事の質を高め、改善するため、コミュニティのなかでどのような活動を行いますか? -例としては: 秀逸記事の選考や執筆コンテスト、また time or theme oriented quality initiatives などが考えられるでしょう-。質の低い記事に対応するため、どのような排除規準が存在するでしょうか?)意見を書く

6. article quality
  • 記事の質を重要と考えるのは少数派と思える。多数の編集者はあまり質を考えていない。質を高めるため、「加筆依頼」や「査読依頼」などがある。しかしあまり機能していない。「スタブ」表示は質を高める機能のはずだが、あまり役に立っていない。新着選考、秀逸選考、執筆コンテストもある。しかし既存記事の改善については、ごく少数の記事に影響を与えるに留まり、プロジェクト全体への波及効果に乏しい。メインページに掲載される記事を選ぶ新着選考は、一年に千記事を選ぶため、概算で二・三千ほどの記事に年間で影響を与えるかと推測されるが、一方で、同時期に数万の記事が投稿されており、全体への影響はやはり軽微に留まる。「多数の言語版にある記事の一覧」や翻訳依頼なども、新規記事作成で効果があるが、あまり大きくないと思える。ポータルやウィキプロジェクトが記事の質を高める機能を担うべきとも考えられるが、日本語版では、コミュニティ・サブコミュニティが未熟な面があり、これらのシステムがあまり有効に働いていない。質の低い記事は、長くサブスタブ状態であったりし、あまり重要と思えない記事などは、「発展性がない」などの理由を付けて削除依頼で消されることがある。

Answer 6.

Among contributors, it looks like a minority those who put priority in quality control of article. The majority of contributors don’t take care of article quality. To improve articles, Japanese Wikipedia has request pages including “Request for Expanding (addition)” [1] and “Request for Review” [2]. But those request systems don’t seem to work well. Daily "Contest of New Contributions", "Featured article Candidate Nomination", and annual "Writing Contests" exist. Those contests/nomination pages influence but a few number of articles, and the project isn’t so much affected in entire. "Contest of New Contributions" aims to select three articles listed on Main page daily, so that over 1,000 articles win this contest and few thousand articles are estimated to be reviewed in a year at that page. On the other hand, close to hundred thousand articles are submitted to the project in a year, thus it is considered that this contest doesn’t influence widely to the project, from the view-point of the purpose enhancing the quality of ja-Wikipedia in total. “List of Articles Existing in Many Wikipedias", "Translation Requests" benefit to create articles in quality, but their impact is also limited. User communities, built on Portals or WikiProjects, could be considered to grow core groups which are in charge of quality control, but currently on Japanese Wikipedia, those pages don’t play eminent rolls due to immaturity of those user subcommunities. Short and poorly described articles tend to stay in this condition (so-called “substub”), and if such poor-quality article is considered to treat an unimportant theme, it could be listed on "Requests for Deletion" due to “lack of further development possibility”, and be deleted.

Question 7

7. neutrality
How important is the idea of a Neutral Point of View (NPOV) when new articles are created? How do you describe the concept of a Neutral Point of View?'
(7. 中立性: 新規記事が立ち上げられたとき、中立性の観点(NPOV)への考慮はどの程度に重要と思いますか? NPOV の概念をどのように理解されていますか・どういう風に説明されますか?)意見を書く

  • 新規記事立ち上げのとき、中立性はあまり問題となっていない。速報記事の類は、問題となり議論・紛争がしばしば起こる。NPOV は、典型的には政治的な立場の違いが日本語版では特徴と言える。左派と右派の争い、あるいは中国・韓国・北朝鮮などとの関係において、歴史問題をどう捉えるかで編集者間の対立が激しく、中立性の維持が困難である。両論併記か、または確実な典拠に基づく争いの解決が必要であるが、両者ともに典拠とする資料があり、両論併記を望まない者がいるので、問題が難しい。中立性とは、確実な典拠のある場合は、その典拠に従うことで、典拠が異論を述べる場合は両論を併記して、ウィキペディアでは何が正しい・何が事実という判断は行わないことである。

Answer 7.

Till recent time, many people are not so conscious of the concept of neutrality when creating articles. In articles dealing newly happened social events, matters, or currently proceeding and continuing events, controversy and disputes about correctness and neutrality frequently take place.

As for NPOV problems, ja-wikip may be typically characterized in the confrontation of certain political standing points. There are severe confrontations regarding Deutung/ interpretations of historical problems about the period of ruling of the Empire of Japan among editors who stand on either the left-wing views or the right-wing (correctly conservatism) views. The points of disputes are mainly relate to the relations of Japan and the certain East Asian countries, i.e. China (PRoC), Korea and North Korea. In these problems such as Jugun-ianfu (en:Comfort women), Nankin-gyakusatsu (en:Nanking Massacre) or Yasukuni-sanpai (靖国神社問題, see en:Yasukuni Shrine) etc., realizing (achieving) neutrality is quite difficult. Both sides have their own sources and both the sides tend to think that other opinions can not be accepted and so should be removed from the articles description, thus realization of the NPOV is difficult. Therefore, articles of such themes are usually lack of neutrality when they are newly created.

The NPOV is that 1) if there are reliable source(s), editors shall write according to the(se) source(s), and 2) if there are two or more reliable sources which have contardictive statements, we shall write both opinions/ statements and we shall not judge and decide which is correct or which is truth.

(Addition) : Some people who have enough understanding of the principle of the NPOV, they think the considerations to NPOV are very important when creating new articles. But many users/ editors have not enough understandings of the Principles of Wikipedia at the present state of us.

Question 8

8. assessment of the product
How do you judge the general condition of your encyclopedia? Where do you see strengths and weaknesses?
(8. 記事の評価: 日本語版百科事典の全般的な状態をどのように評価されますか? 長所と短所-強みと弱点-はどこにあると考えますか?)おおまかな訳。--Maris stella 2007年4月20日 (金) 18:03 (UTC) 意見を書く

  • 概論 Overview
    • 日本語版は、コミュニティのメンバーの平均年齢が相対的に低く思える。記事には、グローバルな視点と歴史的な幅広い認識が必要であるが、このような編集者が少なく思える。優れた編集者も多数いるが、それを上回る、オタク的サブカルチャ分野に関心のある人が多い。そのため、日本の鉄道、道路、アニメ、声優、アナウンサーの記事などが過剰に大きな要素を占めている。このような分野では、視点がここ数年程度の流行に置かれていることが多く、どうしても、地理的、歴史的なPOVが起こる。しかし、メジャー・カルチャー分野の記事も、それなりにできつつある。英語版の記事の質を見ると、やはりまだまだ不十分であるが、英語版からの記事翻訳なども通じて、質は徐々に向上していると思える。二年前に較べれば、数だけでなく、質もまた全般的に着実に高まっていると思える。
    • ある人の意見として、全体的概観として、日本語版の現状は、英語版の1、2年前を想像して戴けると、イメージが得られるとの回答があった。(ドイツ語版は独自の路線を進んでいるが、英語版はモデルのない状態から出発し、日本語版は英語版を追随しており、優れた英語版の記事翻訳なども通じて、徐々に質が高まっている)。
    • しかし、これに対し反論があり、英語版では、ジミー・ウェールズや財団等が運営に直接介入している。また、英語版の一年前は、すでにもっと進んでおり、このようなイメージは不適切との意見があった。(すなわち、英語版は、日本語版にない、サブコミュニティが存在する。そこから、1年前にはすでに、ピア・レビューの導入、記事の個別評価、出典明示テンプレートの全記事への貼付開始、Britanica1911, PD版の利用などもあった)。
  • 長所 Strong points
    • 日本語版の編集者の多くは日本人である。日本は、欧米以外の国にあって、唯一の先進国である(技術、経済、社会、学術、文化等で)。実際、ウィキペディアにおいて、日本語版は、中国版と比較しても量的・内容的に非常に大きい。日本語版よりも大きな、または同等なウィキペディアは、すべて欧米の言語のものである。
    • 1)日本語版は、日本語の文献などによって、記事が独自に構成できるという長所がある。グローバルな事象について、日本語でその言葉や概念や事象が、かなりな広さですでに日本語となっている。
    • 2)他の言語版とも共通する長所として、日本語版の編集者も英語やフランス語、ドイツ語に堪能な者がおり、欧米の言語版の記事から翻訳を通じて記事を移入できる利点がある。翻訳のためには、言葉や概念が日本語ですでに存在しないと困難であるが、1)の事情から、多くの場合、ウィキペディア用に新規の訳語を造らなくともよい場合が多い。
  • 短所 Weak points
    • 1)英語版との比較でいえば、英語版には、世界中の様々な文化や国の人が記事編集に加わっている、そのため、非常にグローバルである。日本語版では、日本語はかなり多くの国でも理解できる人がいるが、ネイティヴ・スピーカー以外では、記事を日本語版で書くほどに堪能な者は少ない。
    • 2)英語版からの翻訳による移入が大きな部分を助けている。しかし、英語版の記事には、独特な偏りが存在する。英語版POVがあり、これが日本語版での英語由来のPOVとなって出てくる。
    • 3)日本語版ユーザーは多く日本人である。ウィキペディアのようなシステム・プロジェクトは、日本人の文化に合っていない可能性がある。ユーザー間のコミュニケーションがうまく行かないことが多い。共同作業が色々な面でうまく進まず、コミュニティが未熟で、そのことが記事の質などにも影響するように思える。

Answer 8.

  • Overview

It seems that the average age of members of the ja-wikipedia community relatively low. To write good articles, editors are required to have both global view-point and historically wide-ranged knowledges and recognitions. But such editors seem to be few in us. Of course, there be many excellent editors in us, but there are more people who have addictive interestings in Otaku-like subcultural fields such as railroad stations and trains in Japan, roads list, animation, game-softs, voice-actresses/ -actors, and TV/radio announcers. So our encyclopedia has excessively large amount of such articles. In thses fields, editors' view-points are often adhered to recent two or three years ranged popularized matters, and thus geographical/historical POV inevitably tends to take place due to their narrow views. On the other hand, we are having fairly enough number of fine Major Fields articles at the same time. In contrast to quality level of en-wikip fine articles, our quality level is still low. We think, however, quality is gradually improving in us, e.g., through translating fine articles in en-wikip etc. Comparing with the conditions in 2 years ago, totally saying, both quantity and quality of articles seem to have been steadily improved.

(Opinion of one person) There is also an answer that as a total overview, the present conditions of ja-wikip are similar to those of en-wikip in 1 or 2 years ago, and you may be obtain the image of ja-wikip by thinking the those conditions of en-wikip. (On the one hand, de-wikip has been going along their unique way, but en-wikip had started its way on the status without model, and ja-wikip has followed the manner of en-wikip and its quality has gradually improved through translation of excellent articles of en-wikip.)

(Opposition) However, there is an opposing to this opinion. The situations of en-wikip and ja-wikip are definitely different and not comparable. E.G. in en-wikip, Jimmy Wales and/or the Foundation directly intervene important points of administration, and contents themselves (en:WP:OFFICE). In addition, the states of en-wikip in 1 year ago already far more advanced. Therefore, such imaging or simile are inadequate. The another person states. (That is, there are sub-communities in en-wikip, which ja-wikip does not equip. Based on these sub-communities, introduction of peer reviews, evaluation and ranking of each article, starting of attachment of source-template to every articles, and utilisation of Encyclopedia Britanica, 1911, PD version were already realized one year ago.)

  • Strong Points

Most editors on ja-wikip are Japanese. Japan is the only advanced nation except Euro-American nations. (In technologies, economics, social structures, various sciences, and cultures etc.) In fact, among many wikipedias, ja-wikip is highly larger than zh-wikip, if comparing in quantity and quality. Wikips larger than or equal to ja-wikip in contents are all those of European/North-American languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Polish etc.) This is since :

  1. JA-wikipedia has strong points that we can construct articles by using Japanese books and references (almost only). Japanese has wide range of terms/words/phrases to express Global matters, concepts, events, sciences etc.
  2. As the strong points shared with other languages wikips, there are editors who are fluent in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese etc. in ja-wikip, and we can introduce the articles in various wikips to us through translation. If one language has not enough terms/words for translation, it is difficult to translate, but our language (Japanese) has many terms/vocabulary for translating foreign matters as stated above 1.
  • Weak Points
  1. Saying in contrast with en-wikipedia, there are many people from various countires and cultures world-wide, engaging in editing en-wikip articles, and so en-wikip has very global contents. As to ja-wikip, many people in the world have learned and understand Japanese, however, persons who are fluent enough to be able to contribute to ja-wikip are few. Really, most editors are Japanese native speakers.
  2. We are very thanks to en-wikip for import of its articles through translation. But articles of en-wikip include their peculiar bias. There are en-wikip POV's. These result in ja-wikip POV's derived from en-wikip.
  3. Most users of ja-wikip are Japanese. There may be possibility that the system or project like the Wikipedia don't fit with the culture of Japan. Communication among users each other frequently tends to be failed. Collaborative activities don't proceed well in various aspects. Our community under the Wikipedia Principle seems to be immature and this seems to affect quality of articles etc.


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