震源近くのサン・ジュリアーノ・ディ・プーリアでは、地震のために、フランセスコ・ジョヴィネ(Francesco Jovine)学校の校舎の屋根の一部が崩落した。学校は、幼稚園、小学校及び中学校を併設したものであった。崩落した屋根は校舎の低層階に覆いかぶさり、瓦礫の中に56名の児童、8名の教諭及び2名の用務員が閉じ込められた[3]。また、このことを思い出すために「思い出の公園(Parco di Memoria)」が作られている。[5]
^Preliminary focal mechanism#Moment tensor solutions|moment tensor solutions for this earthquake imply that the shock occurred as the result of movement on a strike-slip fault. The fault would be either a north-south, left-lateral fault or an east-west, right-lateral fault. Some geologists have hypothesized that a major component of the relative motion between the African plate and Eurasian plate is accommodated on a north-south, left-lateral, boundary that passes near the epicenter of the earthquake. The boundary is thought to accommodate slip of 5–10 mm/ year. The preliminary focal-mechanisms are consistent with this model. It is noteworthy, however, that many destructive earthquakes in Italy occur as the result of deformation of the earth's crust that is not related in a simple way to the present-day movements of the African and Eurasian plates. Until detailed studies of this earthquake are completed, hypotheses on the earthquake's relationship to large-scale plate-tectonic processes are speculative. USGS Earthquake Hazards Program - Magnitude 5.9 Italy (Web Archive)