メナセ・ベン・イスラエル(ヘブライ語:Menasseh Ben Israel (מנשה בן ישראל)、ポルトガル語:Manoel Dias Soeiro、1604年-1657年11月20日)はユダヤ教の神学者、ラビ、カバラ思想家、作家、外交官、出版者。ポルトガル出身。「マナセ・ベン・イスラエル」とも[5]。
1644年, メナセはマラーノポルトガル人旅行家モンテジノス(Antonio de Montezinos)と知り合った。モンテジノスはアンデス先住民はイスラエルの失われた10支族の末裔であると考えていた。これを聞いたメナセは、世界に散らばるユダヤ人がいるということがメシア的希望につながると考え、イングランドで1290年に追放されたユダヤ人が再び居住するという計画にいたった。
生徒には哲学者スピノザが,また友人には古典語学者 I.フォスや法学者フーゴー・グローティウス、画家レンブラントらがおり、Gerardus Vossius, , António Vieira、Pierre Daniel Huetと文通した。
ホワイトホール会議以降の2年間、メナセはイギリスに定住し、さらにユダヤ人の再定住許可を請願するための書類を作成した。この間、メナセは神学者Ralph Cudworth, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Boyle、Adam Boreel、John Sadler, John Dury,Samuel Hartlib,Ambrose Barnes,Arise Evansと親交し、またメナセの生活は千年王国信奉者でユダヤ愛好家のバプテスト教会牧師Henry Jesseyが支えた[19]
El conciliador (Amsterdam, 1632)(『仲裁者』)第一巻はVossiusが1633年にラテン語に翻訳した[20]
Vindiciae Judaeorum, Or, A Letter in Answer to Certain Questions Propounded by a Nobel and Learned Gentleman: Touching the Reproaches Cast on the Nation of the Jews ; Wherein All Objections are Candidly, and Yet Fully Clear'd. Amsterdam 1656.
Orden de las oraciones del mes, con lo mes necessario y obligatorio de las tres fiestas del año. Como tambien lo que toca a los ayunos, Hanucah, y Purim: con sus advertencias y notas para mas facilidad, y clareza. Industria y despeza de Menasseh ben Israel等。
^John Evelyn’s diary entry for 14th December 1655.
I visited Mr. Hobbes, the famous philosopher of Malmesbury, with who I had been long acquainted in France.
Now were the Jews admitted.[18]
^Roth, op. cit., pp. 62–63, and pp. 316–317; Méchoulan and Nahon, op. cit., p.40, p. 70.
^Cecil Roth 1970 entry on MbI for the Encyclopedia Judaica he wrote about it:
His portrait was engraved by Salom Italia (1642). Whether a portrait etching by Rembrandt of 1636 (Bartsch 269) represents Manasseh is doubtful, and painted portraits of Manasseh by Rembrandt or by Ferdinand Bol are not known.
Roth, Cecil, and A. K. Offenberg. "Manasseh (Menasseh) ben Israel." Encyclopaedia Judaica. Ed. Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik. 2nd ed. Vol. 13. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. 454-455. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
^ abWilensky, M. (1951). “The Royalist Position concerning the Readmission of Jews to England”. The Jewish Quarterly Review. New Series 41 (4): 397–409. JSTOR1453207.
^Lucien Wolf (ed.), Manasseh ben Israel’s Mission to Oliver Cromwell (London 1901)
^Manasseh ben Israel, ‘The Hope of Israel’ (London 1652), printed in Lucien Wolf (ed.), Manasseh ben Israel’s Mission to Oliver Cromwell (London 1901), p.50-51.Noted in Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, p.246
^Schorsch, Ismar (1978). “From Messianism to Realpolitik: Menasseh Ben Israel and the Readmission of the Jews to England”. Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research45: 187–200. JSTOR3622313.
^Reprinted in The Conciliator of R. Manasseh Ben Israel: A Reconcilement of the Apparent Contradictions in Holy Scripture: To Which Are Added Explanatory Notes, and Biographical Notices of the Quoted Authorities. Translated by Elias Hiam Lindo. London, 1842. Reprinted by, e.g., Nabu Press, 2010. ISBN1148567577.“The conciliator of R. Manasseh ben Israel: a reconcilement of the apparent contradictions in Holy Scripture”. Duncan and Malcolm. 2018年3月14日閲覧。。1972,Sepher-Hermon Press.Kitto.
Méchoulan, Henry; Nahon, Gérard, eds (1987). Menasseh Ben Israel. The Hope of Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN0-19-710054-6
Roth, Cecil (1934). A Life of Manasseh Ben Israel, Rabbi, Printer, and Diplomat. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America
Katz, David S. (1982). Philo-Semitism and the Readmission of the Jews to England, 1603–1655. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN0-19-821885-0
Katz, David S. (1994). The Jews in the History of England, 1485–1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN0-19-822912-7
Kayserling, Meyer (1861). Menasse ben Israel. Sein Leben und Wirken. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Gesch. der Juden in England. Leipzig: Dsfar Leiner [English transl. by F. de Sola Mendes, London, 1877.]
Robert Menasse, Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle, Frankfurt a.M. (Suhrkamp) 2001. Novel on Menasseh ben Israel translated into Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Czech, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Greek.
Roth, Cecil, and A. K. Offenberg. "Manasseh (Menasseh) ben Israel." Encyclopaedia Judaica. Ed. Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik. 2nd ed. Vol. 13. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. 454-455. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.