メトロポリタン生命保険会社タワー(メトロポリタンせいめいほけんがいしゃタワー、Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨークに建つ超高層ビルである。メトロポリタンライフ・タワー (Metropolitan Life Tower) またはメットライフ・タワー (Met Life Tower) とも呼ばれる。
^"Before This Seven-Day Wonder in Construction Is Completed It Will Be Overtopped by the Tall Tower of the Metropolitan Life.; A Reminder of Venice. How the Tower is Built. The Struggle with the Wind. Differs from Other Skyscrapers. An Extraordinary View." The New York Times, December 29, 1907. p. SM5
^“Madison Sq Tower to Rise 100 Stories”. The New York Times: p. N1. (November 3, 1929). "Metropolitan Life Will Erect the Tallest Office Structure for Own Use on Whole Block. Unusual Design is Drawn Accommodation for 30,000 Workers --Moving Stairs Planned for the First Thirteen Floors. Will Occupy Entire Block. Light Value Stressed."