2000年に数学教育国際会議はハンス・フロイデンタール・メダルを制定した。2003年より奇数年に「主要な研究の累積プログラム」の形式での「数学教育研究における突出した功績」に対して贈られる。受賞者にはCelia Hoyles, Paul Cobb, Anna Sfard, Yves Chevallard, Luis Radford, Frederick Leungがいる。
Freudenthal, Hans (1960), Lincos: design of a language for cosmic intercourse, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Pub. Co..
Freudenthal, Hans; de Vries, H. (1969), Linear Lie Groups, Pure and Applied Mathematics, 35, New York: Academic Press, MR0260926.
Freudenthal, Hans (1972), Mathematics as an Educational Task, Springer, ISBN9789027702357.
Freudenthal, Hans (1986), Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical Structures, Mathematics Education Library, 1, Springer, ISBN9789027722614.
Freudenthal, Hans (1991), Revisiting Mathematics Education: China Lectures, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN0-7923-1299-6.
Freudenthal, Hans; Freudenthal, Matías (2015) (スペイン語), El viaje de Ofantito, Granada (Spain): Esdrújula Ediciones, ISBN978-84-164850-9-3 [Children's story left unfinished in 1943, completed and translated into Spanish by his son Matijs (Matías)].[21]
^Streefland, Leen, ed. (1994), The Legacy of Hans Freudenthal, Springer, ISBN9780792326533.
^Pupils achievements internationally compared — the IEA. Educational Studies in Mathematics 6, 127–186. According to PISA critic Joachim Wuttke, some of the points Freudenthal made still apply to the most recent international school studies: unequal enrollment rates, the unsolved translation problem, lacking curricular validity, reading items that contain deeper science than the science items, overinterpretation of numerical outcomes, Kafkaesk confusion in the documentation and in the underlying decisions, dogmatic rejection of criticism [1].
^Gardner, Martin (December 1979), “Mathematical Games: A Pride of Problems, Including One That Is Virtually Impossible”, Scientific American241: 22–30.
Strambach, Karl; Veldkamp, Ferdinand D. (1981), “A tribute to Hans Freudenthal”, Geometriae Dedicata11 (1): 125, doi:10.1007/BF00183195.
Howson, G. (1985), “Hans Freudenthal and the foundations of a discipline of mathematics education”, Nieuwe Wiskrant5: 68–72.
Van Est, W. T. (1993), “Hans Freudenthal (17 September 1905–13 October 1990)”, Educational Studies in Mathematics25 (1–2): 59–69, doi:10.1007/BF01274102.
Strambach, Karl; Veldkamp, Ferdinand D. (1991), “In memoriam Hans Freudenthal”, Geometriae Dedicata37 (2): 119, doi:10.1007/BF00147407.
Gravemeijer, K.; Terwel, J. (2000), “Hans Freudenthal: A mathematician on didactics and curriculum theory”, Journal of Curriculum Studies32 (6): 777–796, doi:10.1080/00220270050167170.