"I took the liberty of asking Professor Bell whether he had a name for this symbol ∇ and he has mentioned to me nabla, a humorous suggestion of Maxwell's. It is the name of an Egyptian harp, which was of that shape"(「ベル教授にこの記号 ∇ の名付けについて尋ねる機会を得たとき、先生はマクスウェルの愉快な提案である『ナブラ』について私に教えてくれました。同じ形をしたエジプトの竪琴の名だというのです[訳語疑問点]」)
"This symbolic operator ∇ was introduced by Sir W. R. Hamilton and is now in universal employment. There seems, however, to be no universally recognized name for it, although owing to the frequent occurrence of the symbol some name is a practical necessity. It has been found by experience that the monosyllable del is so short and easy to pronounce that even in complicated formulae in which occurs a number of times, no inconvenience to the speaker or listener arises from the repetition. V is read simply as 'del V' " (W.R.ハミルトン卿が導入したこの記号演算子は、今は広く使われるようになっていますが、まだ一般的な呼び名はないようです。'del' なら単音節で発音しやすく、複雑な数式でが何度も出ていても煩雑になりません。Vは単純に「デルV」と読みます。)
^W. R. Hamilton, in Trans. R. Irish Acad. XVII. 236 (1837)
^W. Thomson, Notes Lect. Molecular Dynamics & Wave Theory of Light at Johns Hopkins Univ. x 112 (MS) (1884)
^Gibbs & Wilson, Vector analysis: a text-book for the use of students of mathematics and physics, founded upon the lectures of J. Willard Gibbs by Edwin Bidwell Wilson (1901)