^Vollmer, Friedrich, Quinti Sereni Liber Medicinalis Leipzig, Teubner, 1916; Kai Brodersen, Quintus Serenus, Medizinischer Rat (Liber medicinalis), Latin/German, Berlin and Boston 2016. ISBN978-3-11-052712-4
^For the antiquarianism, see R. Marache, La critique littéraire de langue latine et le développement du goût archaïsant au IIe siècle de notre ère (1951).
^Edward Champlin, "Serenus Sammonicus" Harvard Studies in Classical Philology85 (1981:189-212) p. 193.
^"vir saeculo suo doctus". quoted by Edward Champlin 1981, p. 189.
^A son, to whom he bequeathed his library, who then gave it to Gordian II, has been demonstrated to be one of many imaginary creations of the Augustan History by Ronald Syme, Emperors and Biography: Studies in the Historia Augusta. (Oxford, 1971:10, 184).