コモンマーモセットはサルとしては小型で、長い尾を特徴とする。オスとメスの大きさの差は小さいが、オスの方が若干大きい。体長はオスで平均188 mm (7.40 in)、メスで185 mm (7.28 in)、体重はオスで256 g (9.03 oz)、メスで236 g (8.32 oz)である[14]。体毛の色は多色で、茶色、灰色、黄色のものが混ざって存在している。耳は白い長い毛で覆われており、また尾には縞模様がある。顔は皮膚が露出し、前頭部には白い斑がある[15]。幼獣は茶色で、黄色い毛と耳の白い毛は後から発達してくる。
Common marmosets employ a number of vocal and visual communications. To signal alarm, aggression, and submission, marmosets use the "partial open mouth stare," "frown," and "slit-stare", respectively. To display fear or submission, marmosets flatten their ear-tufts close to their heads.[21] Marmosets have two alarm calls: a series of repeating calls that get higher with each call, known as "staccatos"; and short trickling calls given either intermittently or repeatedly. These are called "tsiks". Marmoset alarm calls tend to be short and high-pitched.[24] Marmosets monitor and locate group members with vibrato-like low-pitched generic calls called "trills".[29] Marmosets also employ "phees" which are whistle-like generic calls. These serve to attract mates, keep groups together, defend territories, and locate missing group members.[29] Marmosets will use scent gland on their chests and anogenital regions to mark objects. These are meant to communicate social and reproductive status.[21]
メスのコモンマーモセットのゲノムが2014年に報告され、新世界ザルの中で初めて完全なゲノムがわかった種となった。[11]ゲノムのサイズは2.26 Gbで、21,168遺伝子を含んでいた[10]。文節的重複 英:Segmental duplicationsにより、全138 Mbの of non-redundant sequences (4.7% of the whole genome), slightly less than observed in human[37][38] or chimpanzee (~5%),[39] but more than in orangutan (3.8%).[40]
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