この項目では、国際政治学者について説明しています。計算機科学者については「ケン・トンプソン」をご覧ください。 |
ケネス・ウィンフレッド・トンプソン(Kenneth Winfred Thompson、1921年8月29日 - 2013年2月2日)は、アメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者。専門は国際関係思想で、特に外交政策における倫理や道義。ヴァージニア大学名誉教授。
- Christian Ethics and the Dilemmas of Foreign Policy, (Duke University Press, 1959).
- Political Realism and the Crisis of World Politics: An American Approach to Foreign Policy, (Princeton University Press, 1960).
- American Diplomacy and Emergent Patterns, (New York University Press, 1962).
- The Moral Issue in Statecraft: Twentieth-century Approaches & Problems, (Louisiana State University Press, 1966).
- Foreign Assistance: A View from the Private Sector, (University of Notre Dame Press, 1972).
- Interpreters and Critics of the Cold War, (University Press of America, 1978).
- Ethics, Functionalism, and Power in International Politics: the Crisis in Values, (Louisiana State University Press, 1979).
- Masters of International Thought: Major Twentieth-century Theorists and the World Crisis, (Louisiana State University Press, 1980).
- Morality and Foreign Policy, (Louisiana State University Press, 1980).
- Cold War Theories vol. 1: World Polarization, 1943-1953, (Louisiana State University Press, 1981).
- Winston Churchill's World View: Statesmanship and Power, (Louisiana State University Press, 1983).
- Toynbee's Philosophy of World History and Politics, (Louisiana State University Press, 1985).
- Foreign Policy and Arms Control: Churchill's Legacy, (University Press of America, 1990).
- Traditions and Values in Politics and Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, (Louisiana State University Press, 1992).
- Fathers of International Thought: the Legacy of Political Theory, (Louisiana State University Press, 1994).
- Moral Dimensions of American Foreign Policy, (Transaction Publishers, 1994).
- Schools of Thought in International Relations: Interpreters, Issues, and Morality, (Louisiana State University Press, 1996).
- Man and Modern Society: Conflict and Choice in the Industrial Era, with Karl de Scweinitz, (H. Holt, 1953).
- Higher Education and Social Change: Promising Experiments in Developing Countries, 2 vols., with Barbara R. Fogel, (Praeger, 1976).
- Politics among Nations: the Struggle for Power and Peace, 6th ed., with Hans J. Morgenthau, (Knopf, 1985, 7th ed., 2006).
- Principles & Problems of International Politics: Selected Readings, co-edited with Hans J. Morgenthau, (Alfred A. Knopf, 1950).
- Foreign Policies in a World of Change, co-edited with Joseph E. Black, (Harper & Row, 1963).
- World Politics: An Introduction, co-edited with James N. Rosenau and Gavin Boyd, (Free Press, 1976).
- Truth and Tragedy: A Tribute to Hans Morgenthau, with An Intellectual Autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau, co-edited with Robert J. Myers, (New Republic Book, 1977).
- Culture, Development, and Democracy: the Role of the Intellectual, A Tribute to Soedjatmoko, co-edited with Selo Soemardjan, (United Nations University Press, 1994).