^Hull wrote that he managed to avoid trial: p. 174.
^According to Giesen, p. 257, and The Concise Cinegraph, 1949.
^ abcRolf Giesen, Nazi Propaganda Films: A History and Filmography, Jefferson, North Carolina/London: McFarland, 2003, ISBN9780786415564, p. 256.
^ abcdefgh"Karl Ritter", The Concise Cinegraph: Encyclopaedia of German Cinema, ed. Hans-Michael Bock and Tim Bergfelder, Film Europa 1, New York: Berghahn, 2009, ISBN9781571816559, p. 399.
^ abcd"Ritter, Karl", Das Grosse Lexikon des Dritten Reiches, ed. Christian Zentner and Friedemann Bedürftig, Munich: Südwest, 1985, ISBN9783517008349, p. 496 (ドイツ語)
^Adolf Sennewald: Deutsche Buchillustratoren im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts. Materialien für Bibliophile. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 3-447-04228-1, S. 160 (Google Books)
^ abcReiner Rother, "'Stukas'. Zeitnaher Film unter Kriegsbedingungen", in Krieg und Militär im Film des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Berhard Chiari, Matthias Rogg and Wolfgang Schmidt, Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte 59, Munich: Oldenbourg, 2003, ISBN9783486567168, pp. 349–70, p. 350(ドイツ語)
^David Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema: 1933–1945, Oxford: Clarendon-Oxford University, 1983, ISBN9780198225980, p. 256.
^John Altmann, "The Technique and Content of Hitler's War Propaganda Films: Part I: Karl Ritter and His Early Films", Hollywood Quarterly 4.4, Summer 1950, pp. 385–91, pp. 387–88.
^Cited in John Altmann, "Movies' Role in Hitler's Conquest of German Youth", Hollywood Quarterly 3.4, Summer 1948, pp. 379–86, p. 383, in David Stewart Hull, Film in the Third Reich: A Study of the German Cinema 1933–1945, Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California, 1969, OCLC46409, p. 120 and in Harry Waldman, Nazi Films in America, 1933–1942, Jefferson, North Carolina/London: McFarland, 2008, ISBN9780786438617, p. 166.
^Also see Welch, p. 215, for a statement by Ritter printed in Der deutsche Film in April 1941: "The ultimate purpose of all National Socialist films is to show the test of an individual within the community—for the individual's fate only has meaning when it can be placed at the service of the community".
^Der deutsche Film 1938, cited in translation in John Altmann, "The Technique and Content of Hitler's War Propaganda Films: Part II: Karl Ritter's 'Soldier' Films", Hollywood Quarterly, 5.1, Autumn 1950, pp. 61–72, p. 62.
^Cited in Altman, "Movies' Role", p. 383, Hull, p. 119 and Waldman, p. 166.
^Hilmar Hoffmann, The Triumph of Propaganda: Film and National Socialism, 1933–1945, tr. John A. Broadwin and V. R. Berghahn, Volume 1 Providence, Rhode Island: Berghahn, 1996, ISBN9781571810663, p. 155: "the most consistent among the compliant [purveyors] of the sophisticated documentary."
^Altmann, "Karl Ritter and His Early Films", p. 386: "[Hitler and Goebbels'] No. 1 film propagandist".
^Altmann, "'Soldier' films", p. 61: "No. 1 film propagandist of the Third Reich".
^ abBiografie auf film-zeit.de, aufgerufen am 15. Oktober 2017
^Rother, p. 359: "Er pflegte eine episodische Bauweise".
^Hull, p. 140: "The subject matter ... follows a new pattern which Ritter was to employ in later works, the use of numerous episodes and scenes ... to paint a vast mural of his subject."
^Karsten Witte, "Film im Nationalsozialismus", in Geschichte des deutschen Films, ed. Wolfgang Jacobsen, Anton Kaes and Hans Helmut Prinzler, Stuttgart: Metzler, 1993, ISBN9783476008831: "[drehte] am laufenden Band schlechte Actionfilme", cited in Rother, p. 359.
^Jerzy Toeplitz, tr. Lilli Kaufmann, Geschichte des Films Volume 1 1895-1933, Munich: Rogner & Bernhard bei Zweitausendeins, 1987, ISBN9783807702230(ドイツ語), p. 1201, cited in translation in Giesen, p. 257, and in Klaus Kreimeier, tr. Robert and Rita Kimber, The Ufa Story: A History of Germany's Greatest Film Company, 1918–1945, Berkeley: University of California, 1996, ISBN9780520220690, p. 280.
^Altmann, "Movies' Role", p. 382, cited in Giesen, p. 257, and Hull, p. 118.
Gerke Dunkhase: Karl Ritter. In: Hans-Michael Bock (Hrsg.): CineGraph – Lexikon zum deutschsprachigen Film. Lfg. 1. Edition text + kritik, München 1984.
Daniel Gethmann. Das Narvik-Projekt: Film und Krieg. Literatur und Wirklichkeit 29. Bonn: Bouvier, 1998. ISBN9783416027786(ドイツ語)
William Gillespie. Karl Ritter: His Life and 'Zeitfilms' under National Socialism. Potts Point, New South Wales: German Films Dot Net, 2014. ISBN9780980861228
William Gillespie: The Making of The Crew of the Dora (Besatzung Dora). German Films Dot Net Publishers, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9808612-3-5.
Ernst Klee: Karl Ritter. In: Das Kulturlexikon zum Dritten Reich. Wer war was vor und nach 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5.