Richard Whately

Richard Whately

Richard Whately (1º febbraio 17878 ottobre 1863) è stato un arcivescovo anglicano, logico, teologo ed economista britannico.


  • Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon Buonaparte, London, 1819.
  • The Elements of Logic, London, 1826.
  • The elements of Rhetoric, London, 1828.


  • E. J. Whately, Life and Correspondence of Richard Whately, D.D., 2 vols, London, 1866.
  • B. A. Brody, The Rise of the Algebra of Logic, Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967.
  • M. Prior. “Richard Whately,” in P. Edwards, ed., Encyclopedia of Philosophy, VIII, New York, 1967, 287–288.
  • V. Sanchez, The Algebra of Logic, in AA.VV, Handbook of the history of logic Vol. 3: The rise of modern logic: from Leibniz to Frege, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004. ISBN 0-444-51611-5
  • T. Hailperin, Algebraical Logic 1685-1900, in AA.VV, Handbook of the history of logic, Vol. 3: The rise of modern logic: from Leibniz to Frege, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004. ISBN 0-444-51611-5

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