Judaism and Science, in Philip Clayton e Zachary Simpson, The Oxford handbook of religion and science, Oxford New York, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 41–56, ISBN0-19-927927-6.
Articoli (parziale)
Ethics of Globalization and the AIDS Crisis from a Jewish Perspective Zygon, 38, nr. 1 (2003): 125-139
Autonomy in Jewish Philosophy "Journal of the American Academy of Religion," 72, nr. 2 (2004): 560-563
The Death and Revival of Jewish Philosophy Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Mar., 2002, vol. 70, nr. 1, p. 117-134
Rethinking Ethics in the Light of Jewish Thought and the Life Sciences Journal of Religious Ethics, 29, nr. 2 (2001): 209-233
Culture And History: Essential Partners In The Conversation Between Religion And Science ;Zygon, 40, nr. 2 (2005): 335-350
Creation and the Symbiosis of Science and Judaism Zygon, 37, nr. 1 (2002): 137-142
The Economy of the Gift: Paul Ricoeur's Significance for Theological Ethics Journal of Religious Ethics, 29, nr. 2 (2001): 235-260
On the Symbiosis of Science and Religion: A Jewish Perspective Zygon, 35, nr. 1 (2000): 83-97
That the God of the Philosophers Is Not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob The Harvard Theological Review,, Genn. 1972, vol. 65, nr. 1, p. 1-27
Ibn Daud's Conception of Prophecy Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Sett. 1977, vol. 45, nr. 3, p. 354