Eames Office

Eames Office
StatoStati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti
Fondazione1943 a Venice, Los Angeles
Fondata da
Sede principaleVenice
Settorearchitettura, design
Prodottilampade, mobili, soprammobili, giocattoli
Sito webwww.eamesoffice.com/

L'Eames Office è un stato un importante studio statunitense, con sede a Venice, Los Angeles, in California, di architettura e design, fondato dai coniugi Charles e Ray Eames nel 1943.





Riconoscimenti (parziale)

  • ADC Hall of Fame
    • 1984 - Charles Eames[1]
    • 2008 - Ray Eames [2]
  • American Institute of Architects
    • 1978 - Twenty-five Year Award
  • American Institute of Graphic Arts
    • 1977 - Medalist Award[3]
  • Art Center College of Design
    • 1980 - 50th Anniversary Award for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement[3]* First Annual Kaufmann International Design Award
    • 1960 - First Annual Kaufmann International Design Award[3]
  • First National Industrial Designers Institute Award
    • 1951 - First National Industrial Designers Institute Award[3]
  • Industrial Designers Society of America
    • 1985 - The Most Influential Designer of the 20th Century
  • Museum of Science & Industry, Chicago, Illinois
    • 1967 - Special Award[3]
  • Royal Gold Medal
    • 1979 - Royal Gold Medal
  • United States Information Agency
    • 1976 - Outstanding Service Award[3]


  1. ^ (EN) Charles Eames, su ADC Hall of Fame, ADC (archiviato dall'url originale il 4 luglio 2014).
  2. ^ (EN) Ray Eames, su ADC Hall of Fame, ADC (archiviato dall'url originale il 4 luglio 2014).
  3. ^ a b c d e f (EN) Awards and Honors for Charles & Ray Eames, su Eames Office, Eames Office, LLC, 10 giugno 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale l'11 agosto 2014).


  • (EN) Cornelia Butler e Alexandra Schwartz (a cura di), Modern Women. Women Artists at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, Museum of Modern Art, 2010, pp. 220–224.
  • (EN) Ralph Caplan, Connections. The Work of Charles and Ray Eames, Los Angeles, UCLA, 1976.
  • (EN) David Rago e John Sollo, Collecting Modern. A guide to mid-century furniture and collectibles, Gibbs Smith, 2001, ISBN 1-5868-5051-2.

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