Made some small changes to the style of the edit warning and sitelinks so they are easier to notice and understand
Added error messages for Special:GoToLinkedPage and Special:ItemByTitle so you get a useful message in case no result is found
The Entity Selector now displays alias in brackets behind label
The number of entities loaded via the {{#property:…}} parser function and via Lua will be reported in the “Parser profiling data” (which can be found below a page preview or within the Html of a page)
Prepared for next rounds of arbitrary access rollout
Investigated growing lag of dispatching of changes to Wikipedia and co. We'll need to investigate further and change things so the lag between an edit on Wikidata and it being send to the Wikipedias and other projects is not too high.
Added the property ID to Special:ListProperties
Moved two extensions ( and WikimediaBadges) from Github to Gerrit. More will follow.
Come deciso qui, stiamo ricordando a tutti gli utenti del tuo gruppo di evitare sempre i wikilink che puntano ad una pagina di disambiguazione. Questi wikilink vanno evitati sinché possibile perché non permettono un collegamento diretto con la voce interessata, e Wikipedia ne risulta meno funzionale.
Per trovarli più facilmente (e correggerli), c'è il rivelatore di disambigue, un accessorio semplice e che si attiva facilmente nelle preferenze (nella cartella "Accessori" -> sezione "Altro" -> spunta la casella "Rivelatore di disambigue"): dopo l'attivazione troverai i wikilink a disambigue comodamente evidenziati in giallo.
Se vuoi saperne di più, l'accuratezza dei wikilink che collegano fra loro le voci viene misurata dal DRDI (acronimo di disambiguation rule disregard index, in parole povere "errori di disambigua"), un'indice di precisione il cui valore si trova aggiornato quotidianamente su maintgraph; in teoria dovrebbe essere 0 (zero), in genere è di più, non dubitiamo però che ci aiuterai anche tu a ridurlo :-)
Grazie, e un sincero augurio di buon lavoro e buon divertimento sull'enciclopedia libera :-)
Ciao, stavo patrollando quando ho visto che avevi iniziato la voce a margine con i soli dati anagrafici: visto che c'era una voce ben fatta su en:wiki ho provveduto a tradurla in una mia sandbox e quando mi apprestavo ad integrarla mi sono accorto che avevi già scritto qualcosa. Ho provato diverse volte ad integrarla ma sono stato conflittato. Poiché la tua non ha fonti e quella da me tradotta ne è piena, ti vorrei suggerire di utilizzare il materiale della sandbox per integrare e fontare e inserire anche la questione della data di nascita contestata.--Burgundo(posta)14:18, 16 ago 2015 (CEST)[rispondi]
You have a bunch of names etc. and want to find Wikidata items with those labels/aliases? Try relabel!
SourcererBot is adding lots of references to existing statements on several thousand items.
Mix-n-Match has new catalogs including the National Library of Australia.
Deaths at Wikipedia are a series of reports comparing items at Wikidata with death-by-year-categories of Wikipedia. For the years since 2000, only about 15% of items at Wikidata lack d:Property:P570 (date of death).
Soon the edit summary for edits through the API will also contain the automatic edit summary that you are used to for edits done through the website. The summary given by the API user will be appended to the automatic summary. (phabricator:T97247)
Addressed performance issues in usage tracking updates and had to delay the latest round of rollouts because of it
Fixed a bug where suggestions would show up twice in item and property selectors (phabricator:T109697)
Improved performance of the mw.wikibase.sitelink Lua method
Made final changes so we can redirect mobile users to the mobile version by default
Evaluated the remaining steps to get the extension deployed that lets you do checks against 3rd party databases. Not much left it seems and we'll tackle that in one of the next sprints. Getting the new features deployed for the constraints checks will still take a bit longer.
More work on making the edit summaries in the watchlist on Wikipedia and co more meaningful
Optimized Wikidata for viewing on mobile devices. You will be redirected to automatically when using a mobile device soon the same way it already happens on Wikipedia. (Editing will only be possible via the special pages!)
API custom summary will no longer override the autocomment (phabricator:T97247)
Paging and sorting has been added to Special:ListProperties and it now also shows the IDs of the properties
Worked more on making the edit summaries on the client more meaningful and readable
Introduced a limit of 250 different entities that can be used on a page in the client via arbitrary access. The limit does not apply to convenience functions in lua, such as mw.wikibase.label which use a TermLookup instead of loading a full entity to get labels. (phabricator:T93885)
Stalagmites and stalactites visualizes items without statements, items with statements, and deleted/redirected items by batches of 100,000 QIDs
Mix n Match is now available for mobile, has an improved automatic matching algorithm, got speed improvements and new catalogs were added like the National Gallery of Victoria, World Heritage Sites and CulturaItalia
Matched birth and death days seeks to investigate all pairs of humans (in various subsets) that appear to have the same birth dates and death dates. De-duplication underway!
You can now use the new special page Special:PagesWithBadges to see which articles on that project have a badge like "featured article".
Release of the query service and unit support (see above)
Made quantities not show URIs when editing a value but instead show the label
Worked on new datatype for identifiers to be able to split them from the other statements in the user interface, link them without the need for the authority control gadget and be able to link them in JSON/RDF
Worked more on making the edit summaries in the watchlist on Wikipedia and co more meaningful
A follow-up to the Wikidata for research proposal has begun to be drafted by the University of Haifa and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Community page for the new SPARQL query service, including a subpage for interesting or illustrative queries, and a board for suggestions and discussions.
Discussion has started on English WikiProject Football about using Wikidata for player squad templates (example) and player club history (example). Needs more input on best practices and commitment to update data.
You'll now get redirected to the mobile view automatically on mobile devices (example)
Made it possible to use more entities on a page via Lua without running into Lua's memory limit
Added the Article Placeholder extension’s results to the search result page (this is one of a few remaining blockers before we can put it on a testsystem for you to try out and give feedback)
Added option to create a new article from Article Placeholder
More work on the new datatype for properties
More work on making meaningful edit summaries on the client. Found a few remaining bugs during testing.
Ciao! Buon inizio di settimana! Il parametro "titolocard" deve essere specificato soltanto nei casi in cui il cardinale sia vivente. Se il cardinale è defunto si può compilare soltanto il parametro "ruoliricoperti". --FeltriaUrbsPicta (msg) 13:09, 9 nov 2015 (CET)[rispondi]
Wikidata weekly summary #183
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Finished the create article button for the ArticlePlaceholder page
From Monday on a bzip2 compressed version of the beta Wikidata TTL dumps will be published along the gzip one
Getting close to make it possible to add the main value of a statement and its reference at the same time
Worked on adding a new section to item and property pages for identifiers
Did backend work for making identifiers useful in our machine-readable outputs (by actually linking them instead of just giving the identifier string) - more work needed
Fixed a bug where dates would have English months on non-English wikis (phabricator:T116503) now more prominently shows example queries in case you missed them before, lets you filter and gives you a preview for them. Additionally you can click a little magnifying glass next to an item ID in a query result and explore it further.
<3 Thanks for being awesome. Enjoy the holidays :)
We will take the "in other projects"-sidebar out of beta features in January (phabricator:T103102)
Making ranking information like label and statement counts available to the CirrusSearch index in order to improve ranking in search results (phabricator:T110648)
Continued work on the identifier data type for identifiers like VIAF and ISBN so we can easily put them into a separate section in the items and properly link them in the exports (phabricator:T95682, phabricator:T121274)
Continued work on making external identifiers clickable links without the help of the authority control gadget (phabricator:T95684)
Fixed a mistake in the set reference API documentation (gerrit:259171)
Ho visto che hai caricato alcune immagini di monete di patriarchi (ad esempio Ludovico di Teck) dal sito CNG. Sarebbe bello riuscire ad inserire l'immagine di una moneta per ogni patriarca che ne abbia coniate. Non so bene come muovermi con le licenze, mi puoi chiarire come procedere? Ennio Fabbro (msg)
Intanto ho cercato delle foto di monete per ogni patriarca, purtroppo non le ho trovate tutte sullo stesso sito:
Students worked on new datatype to capture mathematical expressions (phabricator:T67397)
Updated property suggester data to give you more up-to-date suggestions when adding new statements
Pages in the module namespace now also get interwiki links (phabricator:T123234)
Reduced number of resource loader modules to improve performance (phabricator:T123233)
Started experimenting with showing an image in the header area (phabricator:T119493)
Fixed a bug where the query text would be moved off the screen on the query service website (phabricator:T120196)
Worked on the remaining blocker for taking the in other projects sidebar out of beta. We need to link to the Commons category and not gallery for articles without frying the servers (phabricator:T94989)
Ciau. Ti ringrazio per la tua richiesta di chiarimenti... avevo ripristinato le poche righe eliminate "incrimiate" in quanto non ritenevo fossero una promo del libro in questione ma una citazione di fatti (forse, puoi avere ragione, sono un po' in buona fede). Ho provveduto a sistemare un po' la frase nella voce del Colle dell'Autaret in modo da non farla sembrare una promo (come magari poteva sembrare)...alla fine anche in quel libro vi è una ricerca storica delle fonti e degli avvenimenti "in discussione"...pensi che come ho sistemato possa andare meglio? Grazie mille. --Gigillo83 (msg) 17:30, 24 gen 2016 (CET)[rispondi]
Ciau! Non so, però se si toglie anche quel link esterno togliamo praticamente l'unica "fonte" a supporto di quella fonte, ossia del libro...e quindi c'è poi il rischio che qualcuno inserisca un template --Gigillo83 (msg) 16:48, 25 gen 2016 (CET)[rispondi]
Wikidata weekly summary #193
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Past: office hour on IRC with review of the past quarter, outlook on the next and discussion (log)
Right now: Magnus Manske Day! Thank you for all you are doing to make Wikidata truly shine! We owe you a ton.
Changes in how authentication in MediaWiki is handled are being rolled out (and more coming). [3] Ordinary users and gadgets / user scripts should not be affected but bots may need to be adjusted. pywikibot already supports [4] OAuth authentication, though bot operators need to set that up for their bot.
Investigated language support in MediaWiki and Wikibase to allow more languages in monolingual text and disallow some non-sense for label/descriptions/aliases (phabricator:T78006)
Fixed missing license info and broken links for Wikibase libraries on Special:Version
Working on improving scoring of search results on Wikidata, on Special:Search
Preparing to take the "in other projects" sidebar out of beta features, with the Wikimedia Commons link going to the Commons category (phabricator:T103102, phabricator:T94989)
Amir and Aaron are turning ORES into an extension to make it easier for you to spot bad edits \o/
Final touches on putting identifiers into their own section (phabricator:T117421)
Switching the in other languages box to be expanded by default for new people (phabricator:T92387)
More experimenting with adding an image to the header area (phabricator:T119493)
Last call for comments on the new process for showcase items at d:User:Harmonia Amanda/Showcase items. Please review and comment on the associated talk page.
Groundwork for adding new entity types to move us forward with support for structured data on Commons. (Other entity types are Item and Property. We'll need Mediainfo for Commons.)
Work on first prototype for Commons support - specifically by making it possible to have more entity types than just Item and Property (phabricator:T125822)
Work on first prototype for Commons support - specifically by making it possible to have more entity types than just Item and Property (phabricator:T125822)
Ciao, dato che sei stato tu a creare Otto Georg Thierack avrei un favore da chiederti su questo nazista a lui direttamente collegato. Manca la sua foto più importante: essendo il giudice del Terzo Reich devono per forza averlo fotografato in varie occasioni insieme ad Hitler. Puoi gentilmente darmi una mano a cercarle da qualche parte (per esempio su "Google Immagini" o su siti a lui dedicati)? Anche alcune insieme ad Hitler e altri gerarchi nazisti può andare bene. Grazie! --, 20 mar 2016 (CET)[rispondi]