Andersen a également écrit sur l'histoire danoise des mathématiques et s'est faite le champion de l'utilisation des mathématiques dans les cours d'histoire du secondaire.
Scholz, Erhard; Andersen, Kirsti; Bos, Henk JM ; et al. (1990) Geschichte der algebra. (Allemand) [Histoire de l'algèbre] Eine Einführung . [Une introduction] Lehrbücher und Monographien zur Didaktik der Mathematik [Manuels et monographies sur la didactique des mathématiques], 16. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, (ISBN3-411-14411-4).
Andersen, Kirsti (1980) "An impression of mathematics in Denmark in the period 1600–1800", numéro spécial consacré à Olaf Pedersen pour son soixantième anniversaire. Centaurus 24: 316–334.
Andersen, Kirsti (2011) "One of Berkeley's arguments on compensating errors in the calculus", Historia Mathematica 38 (2): 219–231.
(en) Kirsti Andersen, « The Mathematical Treatment of Anamorphoses from Piero della Francesca to Niceron », dans History of Mathematics: States of the Art. Flores Quadrivii – Studies in the Honor of Christoph J. Scriba, Academic Press, .
Kirsti Andersen, Brook Taylor's work on linear perspective : a study of Taylor's role in the history of perspective geometry ; including facsimiles of Taylor's two books on perspective, New York, Springer, 1992 (ISBN0387974865).
(en) Kirsti Andersen et Henrik Meyer, « Georg Mohr's three books and theGegenübung auf Compendium Euclidis Curiosi », Centaurus, vol. 28, no 2, , p. 139-144 (DOI10.1111/J.1600-0498.1985.TB00833.X).
Jesper Lützen, Henrik Kragh Sørensen (éd): In honor of Kirsti Andersen, Centaurus, vol 52, 2010, pp 1–3.
↑1985: "Some observations concerning mathematicians' treatment of perspective constructions in the 17th and 18th centuries", Mathematica 409–425, Boethius Texte Abh. Gesch. Exakt Wissensch. XII, Steiner, Weisbaden, lien Math Reviews
↑1987: "Ancient roots of linear perspective, from ancient omens to statistical mechanics", Acta. Hist. Sci. ANat. Med. Edidit. Bibl. Univ. Haun. 39:75–89 lien Math Reviews
↑1991: "Desargues method of perspective: its mathematical content, its connection to other perspective methods and its relation to Desargues ideas on projective geometry", Centaurus 34(1):44–91 lien Math Reviews
↑1992: Brook Taylor's Work on Linear Perspective: A study of Taylor's role in the history of perspective geometry. Including facsimiles of Taylor's two books on perspective, Springer-Verlag (ISBN0-387-97486-5) lien Math Reviews
↑1992: "Perspective and the plan and elevation technique, in particular in the work by Piero della Francesca", Amphora 1–23, Birkhäuser lien Math Reviews
↑2007: The Geometry of an Art. The history of the mathematical theory of perspective from Alberti to Monge, Springer (ISBN978-0-387-25961-1) lien Math Reviews