Au cours des années 1830, il enseigne l'aquarelle au peintre James Sant.
J Varley's List of Colours, published by John Varley, London 1818, 1pp.
A Treatise on the Principles of Landscape Drawing...
A Practical Tratise on the Art of Drawing in Perspective: adapted for the study of those who draw from nature; by which the usual errors can be avoided (printed for Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper,...and R.Ackermann, ..., London ?1815/1820?).
A Treatise on Zodiacal Physiognomy, illustrated by engravings of heads and features, and accompanied by tables of the time of rising of the twelve signs of the zodiac; and containing also new and astrological explanations of some remarkable portions of ancient mythological history (published for the author, 10½, Great Tichfield Street, London 1928; sold by Longman) IV, 60pp.: 6 Plates, (8vo), 25 cm; plates engraved by J.Linnell.