Dmitrij Burago, Youri D. Burago et Sergueï Ivanov, A course in metric geometry, American Mathematical Society, coll. « Graduate studies in mathematics » (no 33), , xiv + 415 (ISBN978-0-8218-2129-9)
D. Burago et Sergueï Ivanov, « Riemannian tori without conjugate points are flat », Geometric and Functional Analysis, vol. 4, no 3, , p. 259–269 (DOI10.1007/BF01896241)
D. Burago, S. Ivanov et B. Kleiner, « On the structure of the stable norm of periodic metrics », Mathematical Research Letters, vol. 4, no 6, , p. 791–808 (DOI10.4310/MRL.1997.v4.n6.a2)
D. Burago et S. Ivanov, « On partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of 3-manifolds with commutative fundamental group », dans Modern dynamical systems and applications: dedicated to Anatole Katok on his 60th birthday, Cambridge University Press, (ISBN978-0-521-84073-6), p. 307-312
D. Burago, S. Ivanov et L.Polterovich,, « Conjugation-invariant norms on groups of », dans Robert Penner (éditeur), Groups of diffeomorphisms in honor of Shigeyuki Morita on the occasion of his 60th birthday (2006), Mathematical Society of Japan, coll. « Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics » (no 52) (ISBN978-4-931469-48-8, zbMATH1222.20031, arXiv0710.1412).
↑Burago, Dmitri, « Hard balls gas and Alexandrov spaces of curvature bounded above », dans Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians: Berlin, 18–27 août 1998, vol. 2, , p. 289–298.