Comme plusieurs utilisateurs, j’effectue fréquemment un examen des modifications récentes afin de protéger l’encyclopédie des actes nuisibles (vandalisme, spam, violations de droit d’auteur…). Il se peut que je puisse me tromper en révoquant une modification valable comme la tienne ; dans ce cas, tu peux restaurer ta modification, mais commente ta modification dans la boîte de résumé. L’erreur est humaine…
Bonsoir Bserin. Tout d'abord, bonne année à toi ! J'ai une question pour toi concernant cette modif [1]. Je ne suis pas certain que ce soit bon ou faux, en tant que spécialiste de basket, tu voudrais bien jeter un oeil là-dessus ? Merci d'avance. Cordialement Floflo62 (d) 2 janvier 2014 à 21:26 (CET)[répondre]
Wikidata weekly summary #91
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Fun Fact: According to Wikidata, this is the year of 2004 (Q2014)
DevelopmentWord from John
To give this section some life, since the development team had their holidays last week meaning nothing really got done (let them have one week off at least), I'll say a few words. 2014 is a new year and thus a new start, over the last year Wikidata celebrated its first birthday which brought reflection over what Wikidata had accomplish. Therefore I want to use the start of 2014 to reflect what Wikidata can do. For my personal over view see this page. For the summary, while it is meant to be a weekly simple update, I feel this can be used a lot more effective to put across not only what happened on Wikidata but things about Wikidata on other wikis, I am hoping to start a section over this within the next few weeks. If you have any suggestions for the summary, feel free to drop me a message at meta or Wikidata. Thanks.
Bugzilla:57754 Die if wbeditentity tries to clear from an old revision id
Bugzilla:55795 Add API option to show snaks in a list rather than grouped by property
Refactor of ChangeOp remove functionality
Continued to move parsing and validating of values from the frontend into the backend to improve performance and make the non-JS user interface more useful
Finished the Wikidata build script (We use it to pull together code from various git repositories into a single one for deployment)
You can now add labels in your language from within Reasonator. Technically oAuth is used. It now takes just one click to add a label in your language.
Je me permets de vous écrire car je vois que vous avez pas mal contribué sur les listes liées aux joueurs de la NBA, domaine où je en connais rigoureusement rien. L'utilisateur Floflo2903 (d · c · b), nouvellement inscrit, fait subir d'énormes cures d'amaigrissement (non justifiées en commentaire de modification) à ces listes (voir contributions de l'utilisateur). Mais, n'y connaissant rien, je ne sais pas si c'est justifié ou non et n'ose pas révoquer. Si vous pouvez jeter un coup d'œil... Merci d'avance ! --Laurent Jerry (discuter) 25 février 2014 à 14:19 (CET)[répondre]
Wikidata weekly summary #99
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Added more details to the diffs of time and geocoordinate values (will show which globe the coordinate is on and so on now as well)
More work on badges by Bene* - most work left is now in the GUI part of it
Removed unneeded and unused permissions/rights
Fixed a bug concerning spaces in quantities (bugzilla:61911)
Started work on taking ranks into account for queries, the property parser function and Lua. (By default only preferred values should be used if available. If not available then it should use values with rank normal.) and now use as their data repository, instead of
Started work on WikibaseInternalSerialization component
Changed the {{property}} parser function and Lua’s mw.wikibase.entity.formatPropertyValues to only return the statements ranked as preferred or if none are available the ones ranked as normal (This will probably go live on April 25th.)
Worked on improving page load time further by reducing the number of reloads during page loading
Made diffs for time and geocoordinates more complete and prettier
Continued research for user interface redesign
Tpt worked on optionally showing links to other sister projects in the client’s sidebar (bugzilla:54374)
Wrote a fix for Wikidata changes not showing up in the client’s watchlist (bugzilla:62149)
Updated a major chunk of our inline code documentation
Continued discussing technical details about how coordinates should be stored in Wikibase
Reduced page load time significantly once again. Page load time was cut to roughly 2/3. For now we’re happy with the resulting page load times. We’ll start concentrating on other areas of the user interface now.
Fixed faulty selection handling when adding a property using the keyboard (bugzilla:62868)
Worked on fixing issues with handling of spaces in quantities (bugzilla:62567)
Fixed miscount of Wikidata changes on the client watchlist (bugzilla:45812)
Wrote new browser tests for special pages using the Cucumber and Selenium frameworks
Improved error formatting, localisation and handling. We will work on error message wording next to make them more understandable.
Worked on the code which propagates page moves from the clients into Wikidata as a preparation for allowing page deletions to appear on Wikidata
Made the Wikibase extension work with the new “Compact language links” Beta feature and a bit more independent from the UniversalLanguageSelector in general
The student team working on the entity suggester has finished the first version of it. The code is being reviewed now and is hopefully ready for deployment soon. Once it is deployed it will show you what new properties you could add to an item.
Cher membre du Projet Vigne et Vin vous êtes convié à aller voter sur cette PaS. Ce Château n'est pas admissible selon les critères d'admissibilité du monde viti-vinicole et en ce moment même si il y avait cloture cette page serait conservé. C'est histoire de ne pas ouvrir la boite de pandore et qu'une multitude d'article (hors critères selon nos règles) puissent être conservé. Cordialement. Pmpmpm(d)17 avril 2014 à 18:10 (CET)[répondre]
Wikidata weekly summary #106
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
j'ai vu que vous avez ajouté dans l'article "Saison 4 d'On n'demande qu'à en rire" les passages en duo pour Arnaud Tsamere et Ben (en enlevant du coup un passage dans leur case individuelle, écrivant que le passage était numeroté comme 6eme duo). Cette modification a été défaite par un IP.
Cependant, il y a une règle que l'on a pu observé en saison 3 (écrite par ailleurs dans l'article "On n'demande qu'à en rire" section "esprit de troupe") qui est :
-" à partir du 8 mars 2011, c'est le nombre de passages en duo qui est comptabilisé à l'annonce du sketch, même si ces passages sont également pris en compte dans le nombre de passages individuels de chacun des humoristes. "
Voila une petite explication, même si cela n'est pas grave en soit.
Mais par contre, même si les passages en duo sont comptés individuellement, on peut, si un consensus se dégage, parler des duos formés (ou du moins des plus récurents, comme justement Ben et Tsamère).
Merci pour ta réponse. Je pense juste que si l'on signale les duos, ils faut le faire aussi sur les pages des autres saisons. Je propose de les signaler soit à partir de 3 duos, soit signaler tous les duos. J'attends ton avis (et je n'y ferai pas avant demain de toute façon).
Looking for a cool university project with impact? We have some of them around Wikidata - not just for computer science students. Get in touch with Lydia.
Had a lot to think about and recap from the Zürich Hackathon, e.g. things regarding search, suggestions as well as the user interface redesign
Started doing mockups of the new user interface (Nothing to show yet, sorry!)
Setup an autogenerating code documentation instance on labs at Hint: Submitting patches that make the inline code documentation even better is a good starting point to get involved in coding
Worked on new datatype monolingual text (basically a string with an associated language)
Reworked a hell lot of “change operations” code that’s responsible for each and every edit as well as validating user input and API requests, for example denying empty descriptions and finding and blocking unnecessary duplications
Checked all the new Beta features that the teams in San Francisco are developing and made sure they work with Wikidata
Our efforts to make Wikidata faster broke some gadgets so we helped fixing them. Sorry for the breakage!
Dug into odd display bugs with the MonoBook skin and attempted to fix them (bugzilla:64741)
More testing on simple queries
Tpt worked on making inter-project links in the sidebar a beta-feature
Editors may now include their ORCID identifiers (and others, such as VIAF) on their user pages, using the Authority control template. You can register for an ORCID at
More cleanup for the coming switch to WikibaseDataModel 1.0.
Icinga Dispatch Lag monitoring scripts, including IRC notifier bot, have been tested and are ready for Ops implementation. This should give us quicker notifications in case the notifications to Wikipedia and co about changes on Wikidata are slow again.
J'ai proposé l'article À l'Olympia (album d'Alan Stivell) au vote Article de qualité.
Comme vous aviez déjà voté il y a plus d'un an en faveur de l'article Alan Stivell, en précisant que vous adorez l'artiste, peut-être que l'article dédié à l'Olympia vous intéressera ? Merci d'avance pour vos remarques.
GenderCounter uses Wikidata to provide an accurate service with distinguishing male and female names
ca.wikipedia found a nice way to use Wikidata. They're comparing their living people to Wikidata to see if any of them have a date of death there. They're then put into a category for review: ca:Categoria:Persones vives a revisar
Continued working on full redirect support for items. It touches a surprising big chunk of the code base.
Continued working on the QueryEngine code base and it’s data type support.
Fixed and updated the most recent implementation of the property and item selector widget, e.g. a MonoBook specific bug.
Pushed along reviews and deployment of the entity suggester code that will make suggestions for new properties to be added to items. Our hope is to have it through performance review for the next deployment.
Hey everyone, it's rare these small sections come along but there is a bit of interesting news to get across which one line under 'noteworthy stuff' won't be the best for. For the next 6 summaries, they will be translatable at Wikidata. This is an interesting idea which was first proposed on the delivery page and on Wikidata-l by Base. This is purely a trial and if you all want the summaries to remain translatable, please participate! You can view the first translated summary (hopefully) here! Also sorry for this one being late :)
As part of the Outreach Program for Women d:User:User:Thepwnco is continuing improving all help pages to help new users understand Wikidata better. At the same time w:User:Discoveranjali is helping with social media outreach and creating presentations workshops about Wikidata.
More work on redirects. They are taking shape. Done with much of the groundwork. We've seen the first one! :D
Continued work on user interface redesign mockups
Monolingual text datatype is also taking shape but needs more user interface love to make it intuitive.
Investigated making its own client so you can for example get access to better Lua functions for access to an item's label on a discussion page. Outcome: Should be possible but needs some more work.
Two new GuidedTours (aka interactive tutorials) have been released—we now have one on editing items and one on editing statements! Both tours are available from the Wikidata:Tours portal and feedback can be left on the talk page at Wikidata_talk:Tours. The work was a combined effort of User:Bene* and Outreach Program for Women intern User:Thepwnco.
We passed another milestone \o/ 10 million items now have an "instance of" or "subclass of" statement making it easy to tell what the item is about.
Bene* worked with the dev team this week. He pushed forward support for storing badges (eg featured article) on Wikidata and implemented the first two guided tours.
CTRL+ click and middle click on a search result in the entity selector now opens the result in a new tab.
Further progress on redirects
Fixed a number of annoyances with the entity selector
Continued work on mockups for new user interface
Investigated what issues come up if we make its own client. Things look good so we will probably enable it soonish. This will mean you can link Wikidata pages in items and access the data in them on other pages on Wikidata.
Je suis retombé sur l'article il y a quelques jours et j'ai complété mes ajouts de juillet 2012. Je pense que la section sur le clip et les interprétations scéniques est perfectible mais le reste me semble complet. Une fois tout ceci fini, je pense que cela peut être un bon article, qu'en penses-tu ? Là, je retourne sur un autre article et après je serai plus dispo sur celui-ci. Cordialement, Yoshi[Talk That Talk]21 juillet 2014 à 01:09 (CEST)[répondre]
Wikidata weekly summary #119
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Wikidata's new Main page is almost ready to go live, but is still in need of a visually-appealing banner! Got an idea for an eye-catching design that represents what Wikidata's all about? Submit proposals before August 11 at d:Wikidata:Portal Redesign/Banner
Finished a large number of new features and got them ready for roll-out. More in this email.
Wikibase made a big step forward to finally switch to DataModel 1.0.
Improved support for entity IDs bigger than 2 billion (32 bit integer).
We had to adapt Wikibase to some major changes (more major than usual, partly caused by discussions at Wikimania) in MediaWiki core: The default Vector skin became it’s own component and the ResourceLoader got some small but important updates.
Continued work on refactoring code of the user interface to make it ready for new design
Wrote a script to get number of users having wikidata in their recent changes/watchlist from the database
The new Main page will go live early next week! LL for more details and to leave any last comments
It will be possible to show the badges like "Featured Article" stored on Wikidata in the sidebar of the clients (Wikipedia, Wikisource, ...) starting Tuesday. Wikipedia will follow on Thursday.
Starting Tuesday we will deploy a new beta feature on the clients. It will allow you to show links to other sister projects in the sidebar based on the links in Wikidata.
Badges support via Wikidata has been rolled out to Wikipedia and other sister projects. If the icons shown are not the ones your project would like please request a change here.
Performance improvements for "in other projects sidebar" beta feature and bug fixes in the feature on wikis with sidebar cache enabled (e.g. zhwiki, commons)
Worked on performance improvements to badges feature
Fixing bug with xml format in the API, and added tests for it so hopefully this does not break again!
Worked more on enabling statements on properties
Further work on new user interface design groundwork - mostly refactoring and enabling editing of multiple sitelinks and label/alias/description at once
First pokes at usage tracking
Drafted an RfC to improve recent changes so we can show Wikidata changes also when enhanced recent changes is enabled
With the deployment next Tuesday you will be able to edit all sitelinks at once as well as all fields of the "in other languages" box. This is an intermediate step towards the new user interface and will evolve further over the next weeks. You can see what is coming on Tuesday now already on
WikiProject Names aims to improve name related data on Wikidata. Initial focus is on first names (given names). Half of items for first names still need cleaning up, but 15% of items for persons already have a given name defined.
Worked on supporting statements on properties in WikibaseDataModelSerialization (bugzilla:66425)
Fixed broken xml api output (bugzilla:70531), as well as some inconsistencies in the xml format and added tests that should help avoid future breakage in the xml format
Finished performance improvements for badges
Worked on entity usage tracking
Pietro from the EAGLE project came to visit us, one of the first 3rd party users of Wikibase. See
Added a hook point to allow 3rd party users (like the EAGLE project) of Wikibase to control what goes into the search index
Started work on a widget that lets you edit badges right in the item instead of going to the special page
Want to be kept up-to-date on structured data on Commons? There is now a new newsletter you can subscribe to.
Interested in some statistics about the data on Wikidata? Check Wikidata Stats every now and then. (Thanks Magnus for moving it to the new dump format.)
Spent the week with the WMF multimedia team and volunteers to get more clarity about structured data on Commons. We'll be asking for feedback on a lot of stuff over the next weeks. The main info hub is taking shape at Commons:Structured data.
More fixes for the switch to HHVM
Looked into possible performance improvements. Some of them will be taken into the next sprint.
Battled a handful of nasty issues on the live-site
Bonjour, je te vois moins contribuer sur le basket-ball en ce moment, j'espère que ce n'est que passager et que tout va bien. Je viens te signaler que depuis quelques semaines une véritable mine d'or de photographies des joueurs des années 50 à 70 est importée sur Commons, par un utilisateur en particulier. Quant à moi, je me "contente" de les catégoriser ; (n'empêche que j'aurais bien aimé qu'elles soient là pour notre Wikiconcours !) Comme tu as grandement participé à leur labellisation, je te laisse découvrir le résultat et les intégrer dans le corps des articles pour Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, John Havlicek... (sans oublier Red Auerbach). --El Funcionario (discuter) 20 octobre 2014 à 16:25 (CEST)[répondre]
Wikidata weekly summary #129
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Do you want to see constraint violation reports and referencing improved? Please provide input.
IRC office hour about structured data on Commons (log)
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Wikidata turned 2 on Wednesday! Have a look at the notes from the community and development team and add your note. Also don't forget to check out all the cool presents (a painting, speed improvements, a huge load of unconnected articles that you can help connect via the Wikidata Game, WikidataLDF, a recent changes visualisation)!
Continued work on LabelLookup and related code to further improve performance
Made it possible to show references in statements on property pages. (Remaining bugs before roll-out are issues with adding/editing/removing statements on property pages.)
Further improvements to sitelink editing (The edit toolbar now floats so it doesn't scroll out of the page on a long list of sitelinks. An empty row for adding a new sitelink is shown by default when editing to make this faster and take less scrolling.)
Further adapting of simple query code so we can get it to review at the Foundation again.
Elle sera supprimée si aucune source correcte ne peut être définie. Merci de faire le nécessaire ou de remplacer cette image par une compatible avec les règles de Wikipédia.
Work is ongoing for a bot job to tag thousands of objects in OpenStreetMap with the equivalent Wikidata ID
Resolver finds Wikidata items for a given identifier (VIAF, GND, IMDB, ...)
English-Wikipedia now has a template, RedQ, which puts a Wikidata link next to red links for subjects which have no Wikipedia article in any language, This should prevent duplicate Wikidata items from being created when an article is written, and assist Wikipedia editors to find relevant facts and sources. Please copy it to other-language Wikipedias.
J’ai l’intention de proposer prochainement la page « Manade Combet » au label « article de qualité ». Si vous estimez que la procédure est prématurée, vous pouvez me contacter pour me faire part de vos arguments.
Closed/checked even more ‘testme’ bugs on Phabricator
Wikidata Query has gotten a number of stability fixes. To increase availability and performance we now have multiple instances of it with a load balancer in front of it.
The data for the entity suggester has been updated. Suggestions when adding new statements should be even better now.
The Wikidata BEACON generator was updated by Magnus. It now uses all properties with “formatter URL”, so always up-to-date with target URLs. It is faster, too.
Happy new year! :) It'll be a great one for Wikidata!
Have you filed bugs in the past? Awesome! It'd be super helpful if you have a look at your old bugs and see if they are still relevant. You can find them at (make sure you're logged in on Phabricator)
The sitelink section has been reworked. This will go live on Wikidata on Tuesday. The sitelinks will then be slimmer and they will appear in a sidebar on the right side if there is enough space.
More performance improvements when parsing an item page, ~%15 faster for some pages :)
Usage tracking will likely be deployed on February 2 on Wikidata. This will not be user-visible. It just means that pages using data from arbitrary items get updated/purged when the data changes. Arbitrary access is being tested at Test Wikidata and testwiki:Test Wiki. An example is at testwiki:Kitten on arbitrary page.
Assigning items on Mix'n'match will now make that change on Wikidata for you automatically
Wikibooks will get access to language links via Wikidata on February 24th. Coordination is happening at d:Wikidata:Wikibooks.
Roughly 17000 of the candidate articles that Google identified as potentially being about the same topic but lacking a language link have been merged. About 17500 are remaining and waiting for you to go through them via
Did more work on Capiunto to get it into a state where it can be deployed to Wikimedia sites.
Mourned Titan (phabricator:T88550) as its developers were bought up. Began evaluation for which graph database to use instead for a Wikidata query service (mw:Wikibase/Indexing)
Further work on header section redesign
Tweaks to the sitelink section
Worked on making monolingual text datatype accept more languages
Finished showing the language when a language fallback is used
Started looking into fixing the existing Guided Tours after Guided Tours extension API changes
Worked on implementing Lua convenience functions for rendering arbitrary Snaks. This is useful for displaying references or qualifiers. (phabricator:T76213)
The templates for adding badges (good article, featured article, etc) to articles on Wikipedia in the sidebar are getting removed from articles rapidly in favor of getting that information from Wikidata \o/ German Wikipedia even deleted those templates already. English Wikipedia seems to be getting close.
We are hiring! Passionate about Wikidata and know your way around Java Script and co? Apply!
We'll spend the next week working with Nik and Stas from WMF to move queries forward in Berlin
Worked on implementing a Lua interface for arbitrary Snak rendering. This can be used to render eg. qualifiers or references in Wikipedia infoboxes.
Did groundwork for Lua convenience functions that render data in the user’s interface language, rather than the content language (for multilingual wikis, like Commons or Wikidata only)
Did further work on making the Lua interface code nicer and share code with the parser functions
Removed input method selector in the sitelink input as it was hiding the actual input and not very useful there
Fixed some issues in diff views showing new data instead of old data
Created a few scripts to make it easier for 3rd parties to install Wikibase
Fixed icinga notification that tests if dispatch lag gets high
Investigated several issues regarding storage of time values and started fixing them
Fixed editing of qualifiers
Fixed most browser tests after introduction of new header design
Chaged a number of Lua modules (from deprecated function mw.wikibase.getEntity to mw.wikibase.getEntityObject)
Updated the json documentation
Always link to Wikidata on client pages that don’t have any langlinks. This affects users without JavaScript and logged out users, logged in users will still see the link item dialog. gerrit:168632
Fixes for the Wikibase qunit Jenkins job
Made Vagrant git-update also properly update Wikibase and dependencies
Fix for phabricator:T88254 (malformatted Wikidata entries appearing in Watchlist RSS feed in clients)
Final touches on new header design
Investigated how we can provide language fallback also in suggestions when search or adding new statements
More work on allowing additional languages in monolingual text datatype
Added missing backend piece for quantities with units. Now the remaining piece is the user interface.
Lots of improvements around MixNMatch. It has a new catalog overview page. ~340K IDs have been matched so far with it and it now has an FAQ for institutions wanting to get their identifiers linked in Wikidata
First screenshot of the primary sources tool that'll help with migrating data from Freebase and enriching it with references has been leaked ;-): 1 and 2
J'ai supprimé les noms des pilotes du Vol 9525 Germanwings que vous avez ajoutés parce qu'ils n'étaient pa mentionnés par les sources citées dans l'article et que les médias disent justement que la compagnie refuse de donner les noms (question un peu brûlante en ce moment). Mais je vois que vous êtes un spécialiste de l'aéronautique, donc peut-être avez-vous une raison ou une source qui m'a échappé ? Cordialement, Seudo (discuter) 26 mars 2015 à 12:23 (CET)
Bon, le procureur vient de confirmer l'identité du co-pilote, donc mon message n'est plus guère d'actualité. Seudo (discuter) 26 mars 2015 à 13:30 (CET)[répondre]
Wikidata weekly summary #151
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
WikiArabia takes place in Monastir, Tunisia, 3-5 April
The GLAM-WIKI 2015 conference in The Hague (10-12 April) features several presentations and tutorials about Wikidata for/with cultural institutions.
The Library world will use Wikidata to link its information to any and all Wikipedias. No longer English only, but every Wikipedia will be exposed in this way.
Went through all the feedback we got for improving watchlist integration on Wikipedia and co and posted our assesment
Put the infrastructure for creating Turtle-Beta dumps in place. All new Wikidata dumps will be in from Monday on (the old * directory will be kept around and receive new json dumps for backwards compatibility).
Reduced size of entities pages by removing no longer needed data (to make the UI faster).
Fixed bug that sometimes caused dates and other types of values to be cut short when quickly saving. (phabricator:T92831)
Fixed issues with setting focus after clicking edit.
We are going to change the way value suggestions are ranked when entering a new statement. This will help with "male" and "female" not showing up among the top suggestions. Previously we ranked by number of sitelinks. We will change this to the maximum of sitelinks and labels. So if an item has labels in many languages but no sitelinks like "male" and "female" it will still show up high in the suggestions. (phabricator:T94404)
Discussed how to move forward with identifiers. Outcome: They should get their own datatype. (phabricator:T95287)
Implemented arbitrary access for the {{#property:…}} parser function. This can be invoked on the wikis that have arbitrary access enabled by using {{#property:P123|from=Q42}}. So far this is only Wikidata itself.
Did further performance work on the client (Wikipedia and co) in preparation for arbitrary access
Improved the performance of wbgetentities significantly when loading a large number of entities
Wikimedia's monthly GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) newsletter now includes a Wikidata report. The draft for the first edition, covering April, may be edited and your contributions will be welcome.
Made label, description and aliases special pages easier to use
Bene* created a new Special:ListProperties special page to list properties by data type
Expanded our set of automated browser tests
Made language fallbacks work in more situations and more consistently. In particular, the entity selector now uses language fallback. This should benefit especially people who want to use Wikidata in a variant such as en-gb.
Continued work on the planned DataModel 3.0 release
Continued discussing and documenting future calendar model support
Continued work on our RDF generator
Continued work on usage tracking for labels on multilingual sites
Addshore worked on various issues regarding redirects
Addshore worked on a special page to turn an item into a redirect
Work on showing entity labels in edit summaries on history pages
Implemented change dispatching based on the new usage tracking mechanism
Fixed issue with page deletions on some Wikipedias not being reported to Wikidata
More work on straightening out date formatting and parsing
Fixed handling of scientific notation for quantity values
Term box: fixed bug causing stale info to be show, and another bug causing babel languages to be ignored sometimes.
Implemented access to other arbitrary items via the #property parser function
Bene* implemented check to make sure two properties can not have the same alias only differing in capitalization
Le meilleur moyen d’obtenir un consensus pour la conservation de l’article est de fournir des sources secondaires fiables et indépendantes. Si vous ne pouvez trouver de telles sources, c’est que l’article n’est probablement pas admissible. N’oubliez pas que les principes fondateurs de Wikipédia ne garantissent aucun droit à avoir un article sur Wikipédia.
There are a number of user boxes you can add to your user page to indicate interests and which wiki projects you belong to.
On Tuesday, we are deploying usage tracking (no arbitrary access yet) to Dutch Wikipedia and French Wikisource, and subscription tracking on Wikidata. There should be no noticeable changes for users. These are necessary steps towards enabling arbitrary access in clients.
Worked on making language fallback work in the suggester (when adding a new statement or searching for an item)
More work on RDF output and the query service
Added Special:RedirectEntity for redirecting items
Investigated and working to fix JS bug on items with “invalid” values (phabricator:92975)
Did work towards having entity ids in revision histories and in diffs linked with their label (like on watchlists or in the recentchanges)
We rolled out usage tracking on the first two wikis (French Wikisource and Dutch Wikipedia). Users should not notice anything. More wikis will follow in the next weeks. This is the remaining step for enabling arbitrary access on wikis other than Commons.
The students team is working hard to get a first release of the improved constraint reports and checks against 3rd party databases out.
Ricordisamoa fixed the issue with long descriptions being cut off.
We fixed the focus flow in the property selector.
We improved the messages on Special:EntityData to make it more understandable.