The story follows the Fontanilla family and their eldest daughter Grace (Jessy Mendiola). After many years of living in simplicity, the lives of the Fontanillas suddenly changed when Gabriel (Richard Gomez) handles the frustrated homicide case against Christian Vergara (JC de Vera), the son of a powerful senator. The young Grace turns rebellious after realizing that her father Gabriel and her mother Marian (Dawn Zulueta) had no time for their children anymore. One night, Grace tries to leave the house, and her brother Rahm runs after her, leaving Vince alone inside. The Fontanillas discovers that Vince is missing and their family will put to test. Twelve years later, the Fontanilla family faces the consequences of Vince's disappearance. Grace's parents are separated. Marian works on her own clothing line, while Gabriel finds love on Roni (Precious Lara Quigaman), a police officer who handles Vince's kidnapping case. Rahm (Sam Concepcion), at an early age, already has a son and a wife. Grace continues to move on with her life, still blaming herself for what happened to her family. Fate comes into play when Grace crosses paths with Ken (Paul Salas), and Marian learns that Ken is her missing son Vince. Things become worse as Grace falls in love with Christian, the man who got convicted for the kidnapping of her brother.
Mika dela Cruz as Jennifer - Vince's bestfriend . later in the series she fell in love with Vince and has been his girlfriend.
Precious Lara Quigaman as SPO3 Veronica "Roni" Tesnado - Gabriel's fiancee but didn't end up to marry each other.
Assunta de Rossi as Jackie Apostol-Cabanero - Ken / Vince's foster mom.
Vergara Family
JC de Vera as Christian Vergara - son of Victor and Teresa. He was responsible for Vince's abduction when Vince was a kid. Christian falls in love with Grace. After confessing his sins to the Fontanilla family about the abduction of Vince, he was killed when he gets electrocuted by falling electrical pole into a guardrail barrier to save Grace and Gabriel from danger. After his death, he became a father of Grace's son.
It aired re-runs on Jeepney TV from July 31 to October 11, 2017, replacing All of Me and was replaced by the rerun of Two Wives. The series returned from March 2 to April 10, 2020, replacing the rerun of Walang Hanggan; from June 7 to October 11, 2020, replacing the rerun of Till I Met You and was replaced by the rerun of Tanging Yaman; and November 12, 2022 to June 24, 2023, replacing the rerun of Doble Kara and was replaced by the rerun of Kung Ako'y Iiwan Mo.