Yehi kevodYehi kevod (Hebrew: יְהִי כְבוֹד, lit. '[God] will be honored') is a prayer recited daily during pesukei dezimra prior to Ashrei. The prayer is a representation of God's exaltation in both the heavens and the earth.[1] The succession Yehi kevod has with Ashrei is significant: it symbolizes the connection of an inner relationship in which God as a helper and comforter whose loving-kindness is ever near us.[2] The Ashkenazi version has 18 verses. The number 18 is significant, and is constant throughout prayer.[3] Also, God's name is mentioned in the prayer 21 times, alluding to the 21 verses in Ashrei.[4] The first half of the prayer describes God as the master of nature. The second half describes God as the master of history.[5] VersesYehi Khevod consists of the following verses in the following order:[6]