His research is mainly focused on topics related to the regularity of solutions to nonlinear elliptic and parabolic PDE.
Some of his main contributions have been in the context of free boundary problems,[3] integro-differential equations,[4] and the Calculus of Variations.[5]
In 2021 he was awarded the Stampacchia Gold Medal[16] in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of Calculus of Variations.
In 2023 was awarded with the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize for the book "Integro-Differential Elliptic Equations", with X. Fernandez-Real.[17]
In 2023 the government of China at the International Congress of Basic Science give to him the Frontiers of Science Awards,[18] international prize given to 86 papers in all areas of Mathematics published in 2018–2022.
Awarded twice for the articles "Generic regularity of free boundaries for the obstacle problem" [19]
and "Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations are smooth up to dimension 9".[20]
In 2023 was awarded by the Spanish Government with the "Premio Nacional de Investigación para Jóvenes 2023 en Matemáticas y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones".[21]
He has been the PI of an ERC Consolidator Grant (2024-2029).[22]
Selected publications
Figalli, A.; Ros-Oton, X.; Serra, J. (2024). The singular set in the Stefan problem. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 37, 305-389.
Figalli, A.; Ros-Oton, X.; Serra, J. (2020). Generic regularity of free boundaries for the obstacle problem. Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. 132, 181–292.
Cabré, X.; Figalli, A.; Ros-Oton, X.; Serra, J. (2020). Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations are smooth up to dimension 9. Acta Math. 224, 187–252.
Caffarelli, L.; Ros-Oton, X.; Serra, J. (2017). Obstacle problems for integro-differential operators: regularity of solutions and free boundaries. Invent. Math. 208, 1155–1211.