XX Corps (Ottoman Empire) Military unit
The XX Corps of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish : 20 nci Kolordu or Yirminci Kolordu ) was one of the corps of the Ottoman Army . It was formed during World War I .
World War I
Order of Battle, December 1916
In December 1916, the corps was structured as follows:[ 2] [ 3]
XX Corps (Macedonian Front , Commander: Mirliva Abdülkerim Pasha )
49th Division (Commander: Miralay Mahmut Bey ), withdrawn to Turkey on March 19, 1917.[ 4]
144th Infantry Regiment (Commander: Kaymakam Adil Bey)
145th Regiment (Commander: Binbaşı Ali Rıza Bey)
146th Regiment (Commander: Kaymakam Schierholz)
46th Artillery Regiment (Commander: Binbaşı M. Behçet Bey).
50th Division (Commander: Kaymakam Şükrü Naili Bey , Chief of Staff: Yüzbaşı Tevfik Bey ), withdrawn to Turkey in May 1917.[ 5]
157th Infantry Regiment (Commander: Kaymakam Akif Bey)
158th Infantry Regiment (Commander: Binbaşı Nedim Bey)
169th Inıfantry Regiment (Commander: Kaymakam Servet Bey)
50th Artillery Regiment (Commander: Binbaşı Sadık Bey)
Order of Battle, August 1917
In August 1917, the corps was structured as follows:[ 6]
Order of Battle, June 1918, September 1918
In June 1918, September 1918, the corps was structured as follows:[ 7]
After Mudros
Order of Battle, November 1918
In November 1918, the corps was structured as follows:[ 8]
Order of Battle, January 1919
In January 1919, the corps was structured as follows:[ 9] [ 10]
XX Corps (Anatolia, Ereğli )
23rd Division (Afyon )
3rd Infantry Regiment, 58th Infantry Regiment, 143rd Infantry Regiment
24th Division (Ereğeli)
69th Infantry Regiment, 89th Infantry Regiment, 159th Infantry Regiment
^ T.C. Genelkurmay Harp Tarihi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Türk İstiklâl Harbine Katılan Tümen ve Daha Üst Kademelerdeki Komutanların Biyografileri , Genkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1972, p. 154. (in Turkish)
^ İsmet Görgülü, On Yıllık Harbin Kadrosu: 1912 - 1922 (Balkan-Birinci Dünya ve İstiklâl Harbi) , Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1993, p. 183. (in Turkish)
^ Edward J. Erickson, Order to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War , Greenwood Press, 2001, ISBN 0-313-31516-7 , p. 154.
^ [1] turkeyswar, Campaigns, Macedonia front.
^ [2] turkeyswar, Campaigns, Macedonia front.
^ Edward J. Erickson, Order to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War , Greenwood Press, 2001, ISBN 0-313-31516-7 , p. 170.
^ Edward J. Erickson, Order to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War , Greenwood Press, 2001, ISBN 0-313-31516-7 , p. 188, 197.
^ Edward J. Erickson, Order to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War , Greenwood Press, 2001, ISBN 0-313-31516-7 , p. 202.
^ Edward J. Erickson, Order to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War , Greenwood Press, 2001, ISBN 0-313-31516-7 , p. 209.
^ Zekeriya Türkmen, Mütareke Döneminde Ordunun Durumu ve Yeniden Yapılanması (1918-1920) , Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 2001, ISBN 975-16-1372-8 , p. 326.
See also
Army groups Armies Corps Fortified areas Infantry divisions Other divisions Others