Words and Phrases Legally Defined is a law dictionary. It contains statutory and judicial definitions of words and phrases. It is one of the two "major" dictionaries of its type (the other being Stroud's). Both dictionaries have entries not contained in the other.[1] This dictionary is "useful".[2]
Editions and supplements
The first edition was edited by Sir Roland Burrows and was published under the title Words and Phrases Judicially Defined in five volumes from 1943 to 1945.[3][4]
The second edition was edited by John B. Saunders and published by Butterworths in five volumes from 1969 to 1970.[5]
The third edition was published in four volumes from 1988 to 1990.[6]
The fourth and fifth editions were edited by David Hay. The fourth edition was published in four volumes in 2007. The fifth edition was published in 2018.
There are annual supplements.
Interpretation of Documents
Interpretation of Documents is a book by Sir Roland Burrows. The first edition was published in 1944 and is a reprint of the introduction to volume 1 of Words and Phrases Judicially Defined.[7][8] The second edition was published in 1946. The Law Times said that the differences between the two editions are not substantial.[9][10]
Saunders, John B. Words and Phrases Legally Defined; 3rd ed. London: Butterworths ISBN978-0-406-08044-8. 1988 - 1990. Volumes 1, 2, and 4. Snippet view from Google Books.
Saunders, John B (general editor). Words and Phrases Legally Defined. Second Edition. Butterworths. London. 1969 - 1970. SBN 406 08030 5 (for the complete set). Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Snippet view from Google Books.
^A J Walford (ed). "Dictionaries". Guide to Reference Material. 3rd Ed. The Library Association. 1973. p 182.
^For reviews of this edition, see "Legal Literature" (1943) 93 The Law Journal 354 (6 November 1943); "Legal Literature" (1944) 94 The Law Journal 31 and 271 (22 January and 19 August 1944); "Legal Literature" (1945) 95 The Law Journal 7 and 186 (6 January and 9 June 1945); "Law Library" (1943) 196 The Law Times 170 (6 November 1943); "Law Library" (1944) 198 The Law Times 71 (26 August 1944); "Law Library" (1945) 199 The Law Times 20 (20 January 1945); "Reviews" in "Law Library" (1945) 200 The Law Times 13 (14 July 1945); "Review" (1943) 87 Solicitors Journal 413 (20 November 1943); and (1943) 107 Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review 536.
^For reviews of this edition, see "Short Notices" (1969) 119 The New Law Journal 983 (23 October 1969); "Reviews" (1969) 113 The Solicitors' Journal 141, 380, 772 and 959 (21 February, 16 May, 10 October and 12 December 1969) [1][2][3]; and (1969) 133 Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review 63 (25 January 1969).
^For a review of this edition, see "Books" (1988) 132 Solicitors Journal 452 (No 13, 1 April 1988).
^"Reviews" in "Law Library" (1944) 197 The Law Times 54 (12 February 1944)
^For other reviews of the first edition, see "Literature" (1944) 60 Scottish Law Review and Sheriff Court Reports 42 (March); "Review" (1944) 88 The Solicitors' Journal 331 (30 September 1944); "Reviews" (1944) 78 Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal 103 (15 April 1944); (1944) 63 Law Notes 71 (April 1944); "Legal Literature" (1944) 94 The Law Journal 136 (22 April 1944); Megarry, Review (1945) 61 Law Quarterly Journal 102; and D A Wright (1944) 22 Canadian Bar Review 477.
^"Reviews" in "Law Library" (1946) 202 The Law Times 173 (12 October 1946)
^For other reviews of this edition, see "Reviews" (1947) 1 Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law 139; and "Notes and Reviews" in "Legal Literature" (1946) 96 The Law Journal 545 (4 October 1946). For other commentary, see Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection at New York University, 1953, p 525.