Witchouse is a 1999 supernaturalhorror film directed by David DeCoteau, credited as Jack Reed, and stars Matt Raftery, Monica Serene Garnich, Ariauna Albright, Brooke Mueller, Ashley McKinney, Dave Oren Ward, and Dane Northcutt. It was released by Full Moon Features.[2] The film has received mainly negative reviews. The independent film was followed by two sequels, Witchouse 2: Blood Coven and Witchouse 3: Demon Fire. The film is dedicated to Dave Oren Ward who was murdered in Los Angeles on April 7, 1999.[3]
On May Day 1998, in Dunwich, Massachusetts, Elizabeth gathers together a group of specially selected friends for a rather odd party. It turns out that she is the descendant of a malevolent witch named Lilith who was burned at the stake precisely three hundred years ago. Now Elizabeth hopes to resurrect her dreadful ancestor and has a specific (and murderous) need for the guests she has chosen.
Neal Marshall Stevens wrote the original script under the pseudonym Benjamin Carr for Full Moon Entertainment.[4][5] The studio rejected Stevens' screenplay in favor for a film more akin to Night of the Demons, but would later repurpose it for the 2001 film Stitches.[6]