Williams was one of a dozen sculptors invited to compete in the Pioneer Woman statue competition in 1927,[1] which he failed to win. His model for that competition was later enlarged, cast and placed in front of the public library in Liberty, Kansas.
Williams was a recipient of a Gould Medal at the Paris Exposition in 1937. He was a member of the National Academy, past president of the Fine Arts Federation of New York, and longtime president of the National Sculpture Society. Wheeler was also the founder and president of the American Artist Professional League.
1952 "Fountain of the Water Babies", Children's Hospital, Seattle
1952 "Wave of Life", Houston Main Building (HMB) of The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center; was the Prudential S.W. regional office until 1974, Houston
1955 "Robert A. Taft" plaque, Indian Hill Church Cemetery, Indian Hill, Ohio
1956 "Colonel Robert R. McCormick" bronze sculpture, Colonel's Place, Baie-Comeau, Quebec, Canada
"Petition Drive Set To Back McCarthy", November 15, 1954, The New York Times
"Hiss Offers Not Guilty Plea", December 17, 1948, The New York Times
Goode, James M. The Outdoor Sculpture of Washington D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., 1974
Gurney, George, Sculpture and the Federal Triangle, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., 1985
^Exhibition of Models for a Monument to the Pioneer Woman at the Chicago Architectural Exhibition, East Galleries, Art Institute of Chicago, June 25 to August 1, 1927