Walter Niedermayr (born 27 February 1952) is an Italian photographer and educator.
Niedermayr is mostly renowned for his photographs investigating the space as a reality occupied and shaped by people, questioning the ephemeral realms between representation and imagination. This body of work started in 1987 with the series Alpine Landschaften (Alpine Landscapes), and continued with Raumfolgen (Space Con / Sequences) (1991), Rohbauten (Shell Constructions) (1997) and Artefakte (Artifacts) (1992).
His series Bildraum (Image-Space) (2001) focuses on architecture, space and environment.
Between 2005 and 2008, he worked on the series Iran, while between 2009 and 2010, he worked on The Aspen Series in Colorado.
Walter Niedermayr | TAV, Linea di Confine, Rubiera/Schlebrügge, Vienna 2006. ISBN978-3-85160-078-0
Novartis Campus-Fabrikstrasse, 4, Sanaa/Sejima+Nishizawa: Works by Walter Niedermayr, text by Ulrike Jehle-Schulte, Architekturmuseum Basel/Merian, 2006. ISBN978-3-85616-519-2
Walter Niedermayr | Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / Sanaa, Editor Moritz Küng, DeSingel, Antwerp/Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 2007. ISBN978-3-7757-1890-5
Station Z Sachsenhausen, Editors HG Merz + Walter Niedermayr, Publisher Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 2009. ISBN978-3-7757-2397-8
Walter Niedermayr | Appearances, Editors Filippo Maggia and Francesca Lazzarini, Skira, Milan 2011. ISBN978-88-572-0975-3
Walter Niedermayr | Mose, Editor Tiziana Serena, Linea di Confine editore, Rubiera/Koenig Books, London 2011. ISBN978-3-86560-395-1
Walter Niedermayr – The Aspen Series, Texts by Chris Byrne, Catherine Grout, Paula Crown, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 2013, ISBN978-3-7757-3212-3.
Walter Niedermayr | Raumaneignungen. Lech 2015–2016, Text by Catherine Grout and a conversation between Gerold and Katia Schneider, Walter Niedermayr and Arno Ritter, Ostfildern 2016, ISBN978-3-7757-4266-5.