Prestes organized and arranged the fossils for the Instituto de Educação General Flores da Cunha[3] and contributed considerably to the Paleorrota Geopark.
^von Huene, Friedrich (1942) "Lieferungen 3/4. Pseudosuchia, Saurischia, Rhynchosauridae und Schlussabschnitt" ("Parts 3/4. Pseudosuchia, Saurischia, Rhynchosauridae, and Conclusions") Die Fossilen Reptilien des Südamerikanischen Gondwanalandes: Ergebnisse der Sauriergrabungen in Südbrasilien 1928/29 (The Fossil Reptiles of South American Gondwanaland: Results of the Dinosaur Expeditions in southern Brazil 1928/29) C. H. Beck, Munich, Germany, pp. 161–332, OCLC72550227
^Couto, Carlos de Paula (1944) "Repteis e mamiferos fosseis do Brasil" An. IX. Congr. Brasil. Geogr., 8, 167—206, 15 Abb., Rio de Janeiro
Isaia, Antônio. Os Fascinantes Caminhos da Paleontologia (Dazzling Paleonotogical Paths) (in Portuguese). Porto Alegre, Brazil: Grafica Editora Pallotti. length: 60 pages; Guide to the fossil finds in Rio Grande do Sul, and especially in the Santa Maria area.
Beltrão, Romeu (1979). Cronologia Histórica de Santa Maria e do extinto município de São Martinho: 1787-1930 (in Portuguese) (second ed.). Grafica Editora Pallotti. OCLC10022858. length: 582 pages