Southern Rhodesia Cabinet
Reform Party
William Sydney Senior
MP for Gatooma
Reform Party
Sir Hugh Grenville Williams
MP for Gwanda
Reform Party
Frank Delano Thompson
MP for Gwelo
Reform Party
Roger Edward Downes
MP for Hartley
Reform Party
Stephen Martin Lanigan O'Keeffe
MP for Insiza
Reform Party
Charles Spearman Jobling
MP for Inyati
Reform Party
Reginald Herbert Bruce Dickson
MP for Marandellas
Reform Party
Robert Alexander Fletcher
MP for Matopo
Reform Party
Charles Walter Leppington
MP for Que Que
Reform Party
Jacob Hendrik Smit
MP for Salisbury Central
Reform Party
Neil Housman Wilson
MP for Salisbury Central
Reform Party
Thomas Nangle
MP for Salisbury District
Reform Party
Godfrey Martin Huggins
MP for Salisbury North
Prime Minister
Reform Party
Robert Dunipace Gilchrist
MP for Selukwe
Reform Party
Donald Murray Somerville
MP for Umtali North
Reform Party
William Alexander Eustace Winterton
MP for Victoria
1935 Selukwe by-election
United Party
Max Danziger
MP for Selukwe
1936 Salisbury North by-election
United Party
Harry Bertin
MP for Salisbury North
1938 Eastern by-election
United Party
Jacobus Petrus De Kock
MP for Eastern
Minister of Defence
Jan Smuts , PC, OM, CH, OTO, ED, KC
31 May 1910 - 18 March 1920
South African Party
Hendrik Mentz , DTD
19 March 1920 – 29 June 1924
South African Party
Frederic Creswell , DSO
30 June 1924 - 29 March 1933
Labour Party
Oswald Pirow , KC
30 March 1933 – 5 September 1939
National Party
South African Party
Jan Smuts , PC, OM, CH, OTO, ED, KC
5 September 1939 – 4 June 1948
United Party
Minister of Foreign Affairs
J. B. M. Hertzog
1927 – 5 September 1939
National Party
United Party
Jan Smuts , PC, OM, CH, OTO, ED, KC
5 September 1939 – 4 June 1948
United Party
Minister of Justice
Minister of Native Affairs
Henry Burton
31 May 1910 - 25 June 1912
J. B. M. Hertzog
25 June 1912 - 20 December 1912
South African Party
Jacobus Wilhelmus Sauer
20 December 1912 - 23 September 1913
South African Party
Louis Botha
23 September 1913 - 3 September 1919
South African Party
Jan Smuts , PC, OM, CH, OTO, ED, KC
3 September 1919 - 30 June 1924
South African Party
J. B. M. Hertzog
30 June 1924 - 19 June 1929
National Party
Ernest George Jansen
19 June 1929 - 30 March 1933
National Party
Pieter Gert Wesler Grobler
30 March 1933 - 3 June 1938
National Party until 1934
United Party from 1934
Henry Allen Fagan
3 June 1938 - 6 September 1939
United Party
Deneys Reitz
6 September 1939 - 11 January 1943
United Party
Pieter Voltelyn Graham van der Byl
11 January 1943 - 4 June 1948
United Party
Minisiter without Portfolio
Percival Fynn 14/11/1934 to 13/11/1935
Lawrence Keller (Lab) 1/8/1940-12/10/1943
Overseas broadcasters that purchased missing episodes
Note that on occasion some broadcasters purchased Dad's Army telerecordings (usually 16 mm) but subsequently cancelled the order.
Flags of Heads of State World War II
Albanian Kingdom Zog I of Albania Oc
Austria Oc
Free City of Danzig Oc
Denmark Oc (Allied)
Estonia Oc
Kingdom of Iceland ?
Latvia Oc
Lithuania Oc
Soviet Union
United Kingdom
Treaty between nations
Future Germany after WWII as of 23 May 1945
Council Members
Iranian line of succession to the Pahlavi claim
If the
HIH Prince Shahrukh Pahlavi, born 1947.
HIH Prince Shahin Pahlavi, born 7th November 1959, married and has issue.
HIH Prince Alexander Pahlavi, born 15th March 1993.
HIH Prince Zachary Pahlavi, born 29th December 1995.
HIH Prince Gregory Pahlavi, born 30th June 1997
Greek line of succession before 1952
Treaty with Romania
Soviet Union
Vyacheslav Molotov , Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Bogomolov , Soviet Union Ambassador
United Kingdom
Ernest Bevin , Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Duff Cooper , U.K. Ambassador
United States
James F. Byrnes , Secretary of State Jefferson Caffery , U.S. Ambassador
Jack Beasley , Australia High Commissioner to the UK
Georges Vanier , Canadian Ambassador
Samuel Runganadhan , Indian High Commissioner to the UK
New Zealand
William Joseph Jordan , New Zealand High Commissioner to the UK
South Africa
Ukrainian SSR
Ivan Senin
Byelorussian SSR
Kuzma Kiselev
Jan Masaryk , Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimír Clementis , State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Gheorghe Tătărescu , Minister of Foreign Affairs Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu , Minister of Justice Ștefan Voitec , Minister of National Education Dumitru Dămăceanu , State Secretary at the Ministry of War (Land Army)
For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
For the United States of America:
For Australia:
For the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic:
For Canada:
For Czechoslovakia:
For India:
For New Zealand:
For the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic:
For the Union of South Africa: W. G. PARMINTER
For Roumania:
Treaty with Bulgaria
For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
For the United States of America:
For Australia: JOHN A. BEASLEY
For the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic: K. KISSELEV
For Czechoslovakia: JAN MASARYK, V. CLEMENTIS
For New Zealand: W. J. JORDAN
For the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic: I. SENIN
For the Union of South Africa: W. G. PARMINTER
For the People's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: STANOJE S. SIMI; RODOLJUB OAKOVI, DR. PAVLE GREGORIC
For Bulgaria:
For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: V.Molotov, A.Bogomolov
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Ernest Bevin, Duff Cooper
For Australia: John A.Beasley
For the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic: K.Kisselev
For Canada: George P.Vanier
For Czechoslovakia: Jan Masaryk, V.Clementis
For India: S.Runganadhan
For New Zealand: W.J.Jordan
For the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic: I.Senin
For the Union of South Africa: W.G.Parminter
For the Finland: Carl Enckell , Minister for Foreign Affairs , V.Vesterinen, J.Helo
Front Row 15
The Lord Beaverbrook
The Lord Woolton
Oliver Lyttleton
Sir John Anderson
Clement Attlee
Mr Peter Fraser (New Zealand)
Mr Mackenzie King (Canada)
Mr Winston Churchill
Mr J Curtin, (Australia)
Field Marshal Smuts, (S Africa)
Anthony Eden
Ernest Bevin
Herbert Morrison
The Viscount Cranborne
Leo Amery
L to R 2nd row, 17
Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke
Deneys Reitz (High Commissioner for South Africa)
The Lord Cherwell
Stanley Bruce (High Commissioner for Australia)
Sir Stafford Cripps
Sir James Grigg
Sir Feroz Khan Noon , (India)
H.H. The Maharajah of Kashmir
Sir G Huggins (Southern Rhodesia)
Oliver Stanley
A. V. Alexander
Sir Archibald Sinclair
Vincent Massey (High Commissioner for Canada)
Brenden Bracken
William Joseph Jordan (High Commissioner for New Zealand)
Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham
Marshal Sir Charles Portal
Back Row, L to R. 12
Sir J Stephenson ?
Norman Robertson Canada
Sir Richard Hopkins , Permanent Secretary to the Treasury
Sir Frederick Shedden , Secretary to the Department of Defence
General Sir Thomas Blamey
Lieutenant-General Kenneth Stuart
Lieutenant-General Sir Hastings Ismay
Lieutenant-General Edward Puttick
Mr Forsyth
Sir Eric Machtig , Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs
Mr Mackintosh
Sir Edward Bridges , Cabinet Secretary