Untitled Christy Martin film
The untitled Christy Martin film is an upcoming American biographical sports drama film about the former professional boxer Christy Martin, who will be played by Sydney Sweeney. The film, directed by David Michôd and written by Michôd and Mirrah Foulkes, chronicles the boxing star's rise to becoming America's most well known female boxer in the 1990s, and later the attempted murder of her by her husband in 2010. Cast
ProductionIn May 2024, it was announced that a biographical film about the former professional boxer Christy Martin was in production, with David Michôd set to direct, and a screenplay written by Michôd and Mirrah Foulkes.[1][2] The role of Martin will be played by Sydney Sweeney.[1] Martin will be involved in the making of the film.[1] Also in May 2024, it was announced that the film was being introduced to international buyers at the Marché du Film, at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.[3][1] The film was expected to begin principal photography in the fall of 2024.[1] In September 2024, it was announced that Ben Foster, Merritt Wever, Katy O'Brian, Ethan Embry, Jess Gabor, and Chad L. Coleman joined the cast.[4] The film will be produced by Kerry Kohansky-Roberts, David Michôd, Justin Lothrop, Brent Stiefel, Sydney Sweeney, and Teddy Schwarzman, and executive produced by Michael Heimler, John Friedberg, Mirrah Foulkes, Brad Zimmerman, David Levine, Ryan Schwartz, and Nick Shumaker.[1][2] Production companies involved with the film are Anonymous Content, Yoki, Inc., Votiv, Fifty-Fifty Films, and Black Bear Pictures.[1] Principal photography had begun by September 30, 2024, in North Carolina. Filming wrapped on November 15, 2024.[4] See alsoReferences