The Computing Service shares a common ancestry with the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. Founded on 14 May 1937 to provide a computing service for general use, and to be a centre for the development of computational techniques in the University as the Mathematical Laboratory (under the leadership of John Lennard-Jones), it was not until 2001 that the provision of computing services across the University and Colleges was fully separated from computing research and teaching.
Titan computer, 1966 - timeshared computer developed jointly with Ferranti subsequently marketed as the commercial Atlas 2
Phoenix computer, 1973 - an IBM 370/165 running an IBM OS modified for improved interactive timesharing
Exim mail transfer agent, 1995 - in continued open-source development and in very widespread use
Raven authentication service, 2004 - a web-based authentication framework particularly suited to the widespread adoption across many federated institutions as at Cambridge. Extended subsequently to integrate with inter-organisational Shibboleth authentication and provide lifetime credentials known as Raven-for-life.
LapwingFederated Wireless platform, 2006 - provides local management via web console/APIs to 200 institutions while retaining a single network appearance with common authentication and reporting. user/telephony federated administration system, 2010 - providing a usable federated administrative interface to the VoIP platform to 17,000 users and 200 institutions.