The first series ran for 21 issues from 1987 to 1990, when Gladstone Publishing's license with the Walt Disney Company ceased. Disney Comics chose not to continue the series from 1990 through 1993. When Gladstone renewed their license in 1993, they resumed the series, picking up with issue 22. The series continued until 1997, when it fell victim to the "Gladstone implosion" and ceased publication following issue 54. The series was not subsequently revived by either Gemstone Publishing (who held the Disney comics license from 2003 through 2008) or Boom! Studios (who held it from 2009 through 2011).
The story Horsing Around with History in issue 33 of the second series won the Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Award for Favorite Comic-Book Story for 1996.
Original title
The series was initially intended to launch in 1987 as a tie-in to the forthcoming DuckTales television series. The focus was to be on the works of Carl Barks and other Disney comics creators that inspired the series, not necessarily original works produced in response to the series. Shortly before publication of the first issue, however, Gladstone Publishing and the Walt Disney Company decided to drop the DuckTales name and re-brand the series Uncle Scrooge Adventures, in the same format as its intended sister title, Donald Duck Adventures.
Because of the last minute of the nature of the change, however, promotional articles using the DuckTales title could not be altered, even in the first issue of Uncle Scrooge Adventures itself. [1] Gladstone would eventually publish a thirteen issue DuckTales series of their own from 1988 through 1990, featuring a mixture of classic Uncle Scrooge stories and newly commissioned television tie-ins.[2]
The Treasure Temple of Khaos, featured in issue 35, was censored in the United States due to several depictions of nudity (Uncle Scrooge used Huey and Dewey's sweatshirts as torches in an Egyptian pyramid and soon uses his own coat as a torch), replacing it with undershirts, although the nakedness is uncensored in most other countries.