Ulrich Karl Goldsmith[1] (January 19, 1910 – May 2, 2000)[2] was an American scholar of literature and emeritus professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
^Obituary, colorado.edu. May 4, 2000. Accessed March 19, 2024.
^(1951). Stefan George and the theatre. New York: The Modern Language Association (PLMA Publications LXVI:2); (1957) Stefan George: A study of his early work. Boulder: University of Colorado Press (University of Colorado Studies Series in Language and Literature 7); (1970). Stefan George. New York: Columbia University Press (Essays on Modern Writers); (1974). Shakespeare and Stefan George: The sonnets. Berne: Franke.
^He wrote a number of learned journal articles on Rilke and published in 1980 a verse concordance to Rilke's complete lyrical poetry.
Barnes, Hazel E., Calder, Wiliam M. & Hugo Schmidt, eds (1989). Ulrich Goldsmith: Studies in Comparison. New York: Lang (Utah Studies in Literature and Linguistics 28). Bibliography of works by Ulrich K. Goldsmith: p. 483-493.
Calder, William M., Goldsmith. Ulrich & Phyllis B. Kenevan, eds (1985). Hypatia: Essays in classics, comparative literature, and philosophy presented to Hazel E. Barnes on her Seventieth Birthday. Boulder: Colorado Associated University Press.
Goldsmith, Ulrich (1951). Stefan George and the theatre. New York: The Modern Language Association (PLMA Publications LXVI:2).
Goldsmith, Ulrich (1959). Stefan George: A study of his early work. Boulder: University of Colorado Press (University of Colorado Studies Series in Language and Literature 7).
Goldsmith, Ulrich (1970). Stefan George. New York: Columbia University Press (Essays on Modern Writers).
Goldsmith, Ulrich (1974). Shakespeare and Stefan George: The sonnets. Berne: Franke.
Goldsmith, Ulrich, ed. (1980). Rainer Maria Rilke, a verse concordance to his complete lyrical poetry. Leeds: W.S. Maney.
Goldsmith, Ulrich. ed. (1982). Critical probings: Essays in European literature: From Wolfram von Eschenbach to Thomas Mann. New York: Lang.