February 1 (2019-02-01) – March 1, 2019 (2019-03-01)
Tropical Cop Tales is an American comedy television series created by Jim Hosking and Toby Harvard for Adult Swim. The show revolves around two burned-out city cops, Keymarion "Primetime" Weeyums and Demetrius "Meechie" Franks, who have both relocated to an unnamed small tropical town for a relaxing end to their careers, but soon find out the town is not at all relaxing. The series is produced by Alive and Kicking, Inc.
A pilot for the series was commissioned, and scenes were previewed on the Adult Swim streaming series Development Meeting, hosted by company vice presidents Walter Newman and Cameron Tang. On June 27, 2018, Adult Swim announced that the series would have its official premiere on July 29, 2018.
On May 24, 2020, Adult Swim canceled Tropical Cop Tales following the first season. The series was not picked up for a second season.[1]