(formerly ClimaCell; legally known as The Tomorrow Companies Inc.[2]) is an American weathertechnology company. It provides real-time weather forecasting services and APIs.
The company was founded in 2016 as ClimaCell to develop a real-time weather forecasting service based on cellular and IoT monitoring systems.[3]
In February 2021, announced Operation Tomorrow Space.[4] The company hoped to broaden its business model by launching proprietary radar satellites to improve its forecasting abilities.[5] In March of that year, it announced that it had raised $77 million in a series D round of funding.[6]
Technology's primary goal was to use wireless communication infrastructure and IoT devices to collect real-time weather data. The company aimed to report conditions closer to the ground than satellite and higher resolution than Doppler weather radar techniques.[2][7]
The information includes measurements on temperature, wind and precipitation data. After two years of development,'s Weather Intelligence Platform (formerly Hypercast) was publicly launched in April 2017.[citation needed]
The company's Operation Tomorrow Space is launching weather radar satellites to improve forecasting accuracy and coverage.[2][8] The first satellite of the constellation, Tomorrow-R1, launched on 15 April 2023 on a SpaceX's Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket as part of the Transporter-7 rideshare mission.[9] The system operates in the Ka band to detect precipitation and ocean surface characteristics.[10] The company plans to launch 20 satellites with a combination of active radar and passive microwave sensors.[11]