The following is a chronological overview of the history of the Karavas and Karaiyars caste of Sri Lanka and India. Both communities were historically also known as Kurukulam, meaning Kuru clan.[1]
The Karaiyar captain Meekaman lead the Chola troops and defeated the Mukkuvar chief Vediarasan and Moor chief Meera.[3][4] The Delft Island fort is thought as his fort and is thill this day locally known as Meekaman Kottai or "fort of Meekaman".[5]
The Prince of Uva, Kuruvita Rala, who was a Karava revolted with his troops against the Portuguese and also raided the Kingdom of Kandy, driving the king Senarat out of his capital.[9]
Weerahannadige Patabendi Francisco Fernando alias Puran Appu, a Catholic Karava led a revolt against the colonial British in 1848.[10]
Independent period
The British establishment of Burma as a separate unit from its Indian empire in the 1930s, harmed the flourishing trade that was accomplished by the Karaiyars. The Karaiyars traditionally traded and shipped pearls, chanks, rice and other goods to India, Myanmar and Indonesia which was heavily restricted and controlled under the British government.[11]
Chief Karava families such as the de Mels, the Peiris and the Soysas were heavily involved in estate-owning sector, mainly in coconut and rubber. Entrepreneuring Karavas controlled important commercial groups such as Mackwoods Ltd, Brown's Group Ltd, Richard Pieris Ltd and J. L. M. Fernando's group.[13]