The Wild (TV series)
The Wild is a South African television drama series created and executive produced by Rohan Dickson, Richard Nosworthy and Bronwyn Berry. It is an M-Net original series produced for M-Net by its in-house production company Magic Factory, and stars Shona Ferguson, Connie Ferguson, Tumisho Masha, Gail Mabalane, Ian Roberts, James Alexander, Tyrone Keogh and Clementine Mosimane, amongst others.[1][2] Cast
BroadcastBefore its television debut, M-Net held a red-carpet event on the 3rd of April 2011 at Montecasino, previewing the first four episodes of the series.[4] The series premiered on M-Net on the 4th of April 2011, airing four days a week. The series was rerun on M-Net's sister channels Mzansi Magic on 2 April 2012,[5] Mzansi Wethu on 12 May 2013, and on M-Net Family on 2 July 2015. The series was later added to streaming service Showmax.[6] The series was also shown on and eExtra in 2019.[7][8] Awards and nominations
External links
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