The Tinderbox (film)The Tinderbox (Danish: Fyrtøjet) is a 1946 Danish animated film directed by Svend Methling and produced by Dansk Farve- og Tegnefilm, Palladium, It is the first full-length Danish[1] and European[2] animated film ever made. It was an adaption of Hans Christian Andersen's popular fairytale of the same name.[3] The film was in colour.[4] The project was inspired by the works of Walt Disney, Max Fleischer, and Dave Fleischer, especially their "Gulliver's Travels" (1939).[5] Cast
Production took place from June 1943 until the 1945 at Frederiksberggade 28 in Copenhagen.[6] During the production process, publisher Dansk Farve- og Tegnefilm kept a low profile, but the press still published a few articles about the project.[6] References