The Third Ingredient
"The Third Ingredient" is a short story by O. Henry, notable for its ironic take on the "Stone Soup" theme. The story was originally published in the December 1908 issue of Everybody's Magazine with illustrations by Frederic Dorr Steele.[1] The next year it was included in O. Henry's collection Options. BackgroundAs reported by O. Henry's good friend and biographer C. Alphonso Smith, The Third Ingredient was inspired by a real experience:
It is possible that O. Henry arrived at his final composition independently of the Stone Soup tradition. Unlike many other examples, it does not involve an element of trickery. Instead, the emphasis is on companionship: it may be argued that the "third ingredient" is heart (as it is literally in Smith's description above), which could explain the departure from tradition.[citation needed] Plot summaryThe story follows Hetty Pepper, a lower-class woman who has lost her job at a department store. Bargaining with a rib of beef (her last bit of food) she befriends a neighbor and a love interest, who donate ingredients for a stew greater than the sum of its parts. Early in the story the waggish narrator remarks, "You can make oyster soup without oysters, turtle soup without turtles, coffee-cake without coffee, but you can't make beef stew without potatoes and onions," casting the beef rib in much the same role as the stone in "Stone Soup". Adaptations
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