The Seventeenth Kind

The Seventeenth Kind is a science-fiction comedy short film, an adaptation by director Andy Collier of a short story by Michael Marshall Smith that satirises The Shopping Channel. It stars Tony Curran, Sylvester McCoy, Brian Blessed, Lucy Pinder, Ralph Brown, and Miriam Margolyes. It was released in 2014.

Critical reception

Reviews for the film have been positive. Dave Ollerton of the London Film Review called the film "a very funny, highly entertaining and excellently crafted 30-minute film that doesn’t drag once" and "sterling stuff".[1] Paul Simpson of Sci-Fi Bulletin said that the film was "a highly entertaining sharp tale".[2]


  1. ^ "Short Film Review: The Seventeenth Kind". The London Film Review. Archived from the original on 2014-07-07. Retrieved 2014-07-06.
  2. ^ "Review: The Seventeenth Kind". Sci-Fi Bulletin. 2014-06-17. Retrieved 2014-07-06.