The Eyes of Nye
The Eyes of Nye is a science program that aired on public television in the United States in 2005 and featured Bill Nye. The show had an older target audience than its predecessor Bill Nye the Science Guy, aimed more toward adults and teenagers than children. The creation of the show was motivated by the success of Bill Nye the Science Guy, as well as a widespread contempt among scientists for scientific journalism in the media. The program was based in Seattle, Washington, produced by Buena Vista Television, and broadcast during Prime time by KCTS, the local PBS affiliate. Recurring segments
HistoryFollowing the success of Bill Nye the Science Guy, Nye began work on a comeback project, The Eyes of Nye, aimed at an older audience and tackling more controversial science topics such as genetically modified food, global warming and race. However, "shifting creative concepts, infighting among executives, and disputes over money with Seattle producing station KCTS" delayed production for years.[1] KCTS was hampered by budgetary problems and couldn't produce a show pilot on time.[1] "KCTS went through some distress", Nye recalled. "When we did The Eyes of Nye, the budget started out really big, and by the time we served all these little problems at KCTS, we had a much lower budget for the show than we'd ever had for the 'Science Guy' show which was made several years earlier."[2] PBS declined to distribute The Eyes of Nye, and it was eventually picked up by American Public Television. "PBS wanted more serious, in-depth Nova-style shows", explained co-producer Randy Brinson.[3] The show, which eventually premiered in 2005, lasted only one season. Nye acknowledged that omitting his bow tie on the program was a mistake. "I tried wearing a straight tie. It was nothing," Nye said. "We were trying something new. It wasn't me."[2] PersonnelBob Nelson and Pat Cashman, members of the sketch comedy television show Almost Live!, of which Bill Nye was also a member, made guest appearances. Cashman was also the voice of the announcer for Nye's previous show Bill Nye the Science Guy.[3] The show was directed by Emmy Award-winning, Steve Feldman and Almost Live! director & cast member Steve Wilson. References
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