The Driver (TV series)
The Driver is a British crime drama television serial which aired on BBC One between September 23 and October 7, 2014. Written by Danny Brocklehurst, the three-part series stars David Morrissey and was directed by Jamie Payne.[1] Cast and charactersMain
ProductionThe serial was announced by BBC One on 10 January 2014 after it was commissioned by heads of drama Charlotte Moore and Ben Stephenson.[2] Filming began in January 2014.[3] The series was co-produced by Highfield Pictures and Red Production Company. Episodes
ReceptionLucy Mangan of The Guardian praised the first episode, highlighting the acting and script.[5] Ellen E. Jones of The Independent felt the series got better after the opening episode, and praised Morrissey.[6] American adaptationIn March 2022, AMC announced an American adaptation of the series starring Giancarlo Esposito, with a six-episode first season. It's co-produced by AMC Studios, A+E Studios and Thruline Entertainment with Theo Travers as showrunner.[7] It premiered on AMC on March 31, 2024. References
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