The Croods: Family Tree is an American animated television series that is produced by DreamWorks Animation under DreamWorks Animation Television. The series is based on the 2013 animated film The Croods, taking place after the events of the Golden Globe nominated film, The Croods: A New Age (2020). The series was released on September 23, 2021, with a second season premiered April 5, 2022, and a third season premiered on June 2, 2022. A fourth season premiered on August 31, 2022. A fifth season premiered on November 25, 2022. A sixth season premiered on March 30, 2023. A seventh season premiered on July 27, 2023, while the eighth season premiered on November 9, 2023.
After the events of the sequel, the Croods and Bettermans must learn to get along in the Betterman treehouse.
Struggling to find their purpose on the Betterman farm, the Croods see an opportunity to prove their worth by harvesting Phil's perilously sticky bounceberries.
"Guy Time"
Stephanie Arnett
Stephanie Streisand
Jiedi Chen and Zheng Kang
September 23, 2021 (2021-09-23)
When Eep wants alone time with her new friend, Dawn, Guy seeks a friend of his own and finds an unlikely companion in Thunk.
When the Bettermans invite the Croods to join their family game night, two things become clear: Phil needs to win and Grug hates to lose.
"What Goes Eep Must Come Dawn"
Kevin Peaty
Lucas Mills
Marc Camelbeke and Gener Ocampo
September 23, 2021 (2021-09-23)
After a crowverine gliding mishap, Dawn loses her confidence and tells Eep she's taking a break from adventures. Eep convinces Dawn to join her on one last adventure - climbing Grrr Mountain.
"Parental Stridence"
Scooter Tidwell
Matt Smith
Jiedi Chen Max Lawson and Andrew Marshel
September 23, 2021 (2021-09-23)
When Hope oversteps by trying to teach Sandy manners, Ugga gets her revenge by challenging Hope to do the impossible: civilize Thunk.
"The Flopping of the Bullruses"
Steve Trenbirth
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Tang Lee Ben McLaughlin and Katie Yates
September 23, 2021 (2021-09-23)
Ugga has a secret - she's taking Eep to "flop with the bulrusses" - a fun and dangerous pastime Ugga enjoyed as a teen. Ugga's excitement fades when Hope invites herself and Dawn along.
Marc Camelbeke Tim Cant Gener Ocampo and Marc Wasik
April 5, 2022 (2022-04-05)
Bored of the viewing options on window, Thunk realises what he's been missing -- real life drama. But when Thunk starts creating drama around the farm, the others set out to teach him a lesson.
Sandy is finally old enough to join Grug and Eep for the annual Daddy Daughter Day and Grug couldn't be more excited.
"There's No Phil in Team"
Steve Trenbirth
Lucas Mills
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
April 5, 2022 (2022-04-05)
When Phil humiliates himself playing throw-go-nut with the punch monkeys, the Croods band together to help him regain his confidence.
"Thunder Games"
Kevin Peaty
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
April 5, 2022 (2022-04-05)
When Gran announces it's time to choose a new Thunder Sisters Queen, Ugga assumes she's got it in the bag.
"Shock and Awww"
Scooter Tidwell
Rich Dahm
Jiedi Chen and Nico Selma
April 5, 2022 (2022-04-05)
Guy is always surprising Eep with romantic gestures and Eep wants to return the favour. But when Guy proves impossible to surprise, Eep has to step up her game.
Steve Trenbirth
Matt Smith
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee Marc Wasik and Katie Yates
April 5, 2022 (2022-04-05)
Kevin Peaty
Lucas Mills
Marc Camelbeke, Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
Part 1: The Crood and Betterman parents have been struggling to get along -- they're so different. The two couples realise they need some time apart and decide to get away from the farm and each other.
Part 2: While the parents are away, the kids are in charge of the tree house, but when the punch monkeys invade the house, the kids find themselves out of their element.
Season 3 (2022)
No. overall
No. in season
Directed by
Written by
Storyboarded by
Original release date
"The Thunder Misters"
Scooter Tidwell
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Jiedi Chen and Nico Selma
June 2, 2022 (2022-06-02)
Grug, Phil, and Guy form a new tribe against the Thunder Sisters by their teamwork.
"Eep Walking"
Steve Trenbirth
Mark Banker
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee Ian Harrowell and Katie Yates
June 2, 2022 (2022-06-02)
When Eep discovers that she has been sleepwalking, she goes to find out how to stop it for once and for all.
Guy and Thunk tell a scary story of Gorgwatch who doesn't really exist, but the story keeps both Eep and Dawn up all night.
"Skate or Dawn"
Scooter Tidwell
Lucas Mills
Jiedi Chen and Nico Selma
June 2, 2022 (2022-06-02)
When Guy invents a skateboard, Eep and Dawn start to have fun by doing some tricks until the Punch-Monkeys try to mess with them.
"Phil's Fun Farm"
Steve Trenbirth
Mark Banker
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
June 2, 2022 (2022-06-02)
Phil turns his farm into a theme park to learn what fun is.
"Joy Story"
Kevin Peaty
Matt Smith
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
June 2, 2022 (2022-06-02)
Eep and Dawn find an egg and take it in as their new pet, but when they find out that the egg is a dangerous creature, they travel together to bring the egg back to its family.
When Grug overhears Thunk accidentally call Phil "Dad", he tries to reconnect with Thunk by taking him to the natural spectacle known as "Big Shine."
"Ball in Cup"
Steve Trenbirth
Lucas Mills
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
August 31, 2022 (2022-08-31)
When Phil invents a simple new game called ball-in-cup, everyone except Hope, can't stop playing it. But just when Hope thinks she's rid the farm of the game, she finds herself addicted to the game worst of all.
"Growing Paints"
Kevin Peaty
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
August 31, 2022 (2022-08-31)
When Grug thinks his forehead looks too big in Ugga's family portrait, he strives to make the painting disappear.
"Cave New World"
Scooter Tidwell
Rich Dahm
Jiedi Chen and Nico Selma
August 31, 2022 (2022-08-31)
When the adults exclude the kids from their adult-only cave, the kids make their own much cooler cave, soon making the adults want to switch caves.
"Thunk Tank"
Steve Trenbirth
Lucas Mills
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee Katie Yates and Regine Clarke
August 31, 2022 (2022-08-31)
When a freak lightning strike turns Thunk into a genius, Phil is thrilled to have someone likeminded on the farm, until the farm residents start asking Thunk for help with problems on the farm instead of him.
"Home Punch Home"
Kevin Peaty
Matt Smith
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
August 31, 2022 (2022-08-31)
Tired of the farm's feud with the neighbouring punch monkeys, Ugga arranges a punch summit where the Bettermans and Croods will stay in the punch monkey village to learn how to all get along.
"Goodbye Crood World"
Scooter Tidwell
Mark Banker
Andy Casadonte Jiedi Chen and Heidi Neunhoffer
August 31, 2022 (2022-08-31)
When Phil detects a meteor is hurtling towards the farm, the Bettermans and Croods must decide how to spend their last day on earth.
Season 5 (2022)
No. overall
No. in season
Directed by
Written by
Storyboarded by
Original release date
"Hwam I Am"
Steve Trenbirth
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
November 25, 2022 (2022-11-25)
The Croods find a man frozen in ice and thaw him, only to discover he was an old flame of Gran's.
"Eep Cover"
Kevin Peaty
Lucas Mills
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
November 25, 2022 (2022-11-25)
Determined for Grug and Guy to bond, Eep plans a hunt for the three of them that becomes dangerous.
When Grug saves Hope's life during a dangerous mountainside tartichoke harvest, rather than feeling grateful, Hope is desperate to save Grug's life in order to not be indebted to him.
"Appetite for Deception"
Steve Trenbirth
Matt Smith
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
November 25, 2022 (2022-11-25)
Determined to show Hope that she's just as good a cook, Ugga decides to cook a meal that will wow the farm residents. But when Ugga realizes she's out of her element, she turns to an unlikely place for help: the punch monkeys.
Kevin Peaty
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
November 25, 2022 (2022-11-25)
When Hope allows Dawn to borrow her favorite bracelet, Dawn is determined to prove she is responsible.
"Camp Thunder"
Scooter Tidwell
Mark Banker
Andy Casadonte Jiedi Chen and Heidi Neunhoffer
November 25, 2022 (2022-11-25)
Gran announces it's time for a Thunder Sister retreat to strengthen their team building skills, but Gran takes it too far when she puts the sisters through a dangerous trial.
Season 6 (2023)
No. overall
No. in season
Directed by
Written by
Storyboarded by
Original release date
"Phil Pickle"
Steve Trenbirrh
Lucas Mills
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
March 30, 2023 (2023-03-30)
When Phil's beloved stick companion Philliam goes missing, he enlists the help of Ugga and Eep who lead an investigation across the farm.
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo Simon O'Leary and Marc Sonntag
March 30, 2023 (2023-03-30)
Each kid believes that they have the best pet on the farm, and hold a contest to prove it. Meanwhile, Phil's attempts to find a pet to enter proves dangerous, as he turns to wild animals.
"Game of Crows"
Scooter Tidwell
Matt Smith
Andy Casadonte Jiedi Chen and Heidi Neunhoffer
March 30, 2023 (2023-03-30)
The Croods and Bettermans take in Malachi, Gran's longtime enemy, until his broken wing heals. Eep is unsure whether or not Malachi can be trusted.
"Pie Hard"
Steve Trenbirrh
Mark Banker
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
March 30, 2023 (2023-03-30)
After a back-breaking day of farm chores, all Grug and Phil want is a slice of pie. But when there is only one slice left, both Grug and Phil argue that they deserve it more. To prove who works harder.
"Snack of Dawn"
Kevin Peaty
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo Simon O'Leary and Marc Sonntag
March 30, 2023 (2023-03-30)
Dawn is bummed when an injury prevents her from joining the Croods and Bettermans to a trip to Fizzy Falls, but Thunk recruits her on his quest for an ancient stash of legendary snacks.
"Fam Farm Fun Fest"
Scooter Tidwell
Luca Mills
Andy Casadonte Jiedi Chen and Heidi Neunhoffer
March 30, 2023 (2023-03-30)
The kids set off to bring Chunky back home when he leaves to follow the distant call of another death cat.
"It's an Under-ful Life"
Steve Trenbirrh
Rich Dahm
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee and Katie Yates
March 30, 2023 (2023-03-30)
Grug accidentally reveals a cave beneath the treehouse. When Phil can't convince Hope, Grug, and Ugga that the treehouse is more impressive than the new cave, he sets out to destroy the cave.
Trained by her parents, Eep competes in Alphafight. But when Eep learns that a human winning could upset the balance of nature, she must choose between winning to make her parents proud, and losing to protect the other animals.
"Bad Luck Moon Rising"
Kevin Peaty
Matt Smith
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo Simon O'Leary and Marc Sonntag
July 27, 2023 (2023-07-27)
Phil and Guy try to disprove the Croods' belief that leaving offerings to the fire moon will prevent bad luck, but their efforts seem to cause a series of mishaps.
Steve Trenbirth
Jesse Lucks
Ben McLaughlin Tang Lee Katie Yates and Marc Sonntag
July 27, 2023 (2023-07-27)
Upset that he can't grow a beard, Grug resorts to unorthodox hair growth methods that go awry.
Guy and Hope get glued together while attempting to fix a broken vase.
Scooter Tidwell
Lucas Mills
Andy Casadonte Jiedi Chen and Heidi Neunhoffer
July 27, 2023 (2023-07-27)
Terrible at hide-and-seek, Thunk asks Gran to teach him to hide. With her training, he soon becomes her partner in crime, helping her with heists and schemes.
"What Liars Beneath"
Steve Trenbirth
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Tang Lee Ben McLaughlin Marc Sonntag and Katie Yates
July 27, 2023 (2023-07-27)
Dawn hates her mother's beetballs and has been secretly dumping them in the lagoon to spare her feelings.
The kids take their "Dare Game" too far, causing Grug, Ugga, Phil and Hope to forbid them from playing it; when the adults also get hooked on the game, the kids must convince them to stop before someone gets hurt.
Thunk goes missing after the Thunder Sisters dismiss his help during a battle; the Thunder Sisters along with Grug, Phil and Guy's newly formed "Thunder Sifters" search on and off the farm for Thunk.
"Friday Nut Lights"
Steve Trenbirth
Mark Banker
Tang Lee Ben McLaughlin Katie Yates and Marc Sonntag
November 9, 2023 (2023-11-09)
The Croods, the Bettermans, and Guy compete in the Throw-Go-Bowl, an annual Throw-Go-Nut championship game against the punch monkeys, but Grug's desire to win above all else threatens to push away his teammates.
"The Cantaplum Run"
Adam Smith
Lucas Mills
Marc Camelbeke Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
November 9, 2023 (2023-11-09)
Phil enlists the Croods to help him retrieve a rare fruit before some wild animals do, but the Croods and the Bettermans compete with each other when Grug does not trust Phil's methods of getting it back to the farm.
"Flush to Judgement"
Scooter Tidwell
Amanda Brooke Perrin
Andy Casadonte Jiedi Chen and Heidi Neunhoffer
November 9, 2023 (2023-11-09)
When the parents find their precious outhouse destroyed, they hold a "trouble trial" to find the culprit; to prove their innocence, each kid provides their own explanation for the outhouse's destruction.
Steve Trenbirth
Matt Smith
Tang Lee Ben McLaughlin Katie Yates and May Hingston
November 9, 2023 (2023-11-09)
Adam Smith
Mark Banker
Marc Camelbeke Ben Grimshaw Gener Ocampo and Simon O'Leary
Part 1: After a big argument between the Croods and the Bettermans, the parents decide to separate the two families; not wanting to split up, the kids try to convince the parents to make up before the Croods move off the farm entirely.
Part 2: Hwam shares news of a utopian community, accidentally reigniting the argument between the Croods and the Bettermans; as the Croods journey to Caveana and the Bettermans adjust to life without them, the parents deny how much they miss each other.