Fright Krewe
Fright Krewe is an American animated adventure horror comedy series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television and created by Eli Roth and James Frey. Sydney Mikayla, Tim Johnson Jr., Grace Lu, Chester Rushing, Terrence Little Gardenhigh, and Jacques Colimon star as the series' main voice cast. The series premiered on October 2, 2023, on Peacock and Hulu. A second season was released on March 29, 2024. SummaryIn modern day New Orleans, a mismatched group of teens find themselves charged with defending the city from a vast variety of dark creatures. Blessed with powers from voodoo spirits, the teens will have to work together to stop an evil they themselves have unleashed. CastMain
Series overviewSeason 1 (2023)
Season 2 (2024)
ProductionDevelopmentThe concept for the series was conceived during 2015, when Eli Roth had a discussion with James Frey regarding shows of their childhood such as Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! and Goosebumps, and how they felt modern children's media lacked projects with a similar tone. This led them to want to create their own children-oriented project with a horror tone.[3] By 2019, the duo were developing a pitch for a children-oriented horror series for DreamWorks Animation Television when they,[3] via DreamWorks executive Ben Cawood, approached Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (2020) episode writers Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco to work on their pitch, as the two were interested on developing DreamWorks series directed at older audiences.[4] On June 9, 2023, it was reported that Roth and Frey were working on a series titled Fright Krewe for DreamWorks Animation Television. Roth and Frey were set as executive producers alongside Lewis and Songco, with Sydney Mikayla, Tim Johnson Jr., Grace Lu, Chester Rushing, Terrence Little Gardenhigh, and Jacques Colimon announced to star.[1] Lewis and Songco also serve as showrunners.[3] In November 2023, the series was renewed for a second season.[5] WritingEarly drafts for the series had a more episodic storytelling, but Lewis and Songco decided to use a serialized story after joining the project in order to make it more approachable to older audiences focusing more on the kids' relationships and experiences.[6] They also felt this approach allowed the series to stand out from other horror-oriented children series.[4] Having no experience writing horror material before, Songco and Lewis studied horror films as research in how to write within the genre, in addition to drawing inspiration from films they watched during their childhoods,[6] and authors such as Anne Rice and R. L. Stine.[7] The duo also sought to avoid rellying in slasher material due to the series' young-adult demographic,[8] wanting the series to instead serve as "bridge between something that’s a little bit… older than Scooby-Doo but for people who are starting to get into horror but not quite ready for slasher, gory films".[9] The writers first conceived the main cast as horror film stereotypes, before expanding theur characterizations into more nuanced personalities that still explored horror tropes while using the series' world to give said tropes a unique interpretation.[9] Having traveled to New Orleans and learning of voodoo before working on the series, Lewis sought to represent voodoo accurately within the show, so she and Songco did research on voodoo and brought in experts to work on the series as consultants.[10] AnimationAnimation services for the series were provided by Digitoonz.[11] MusicZach Robinson composed the score for the series.[12] ReleaseThe series premiered on Hulu and Peacock on October 2, 2023.[1][2] The second season premiered on March 29, 2024.[5][13] References
External links