Chad Powers
Chad Powers is an upcoming comedy series created by Glen Powell and Michael Waldron, starring Powell in the titular role as well as Steve Zahn, Toby Huss, Perry Mattfeld, Clayne Crawford, Wynn Everett, Frankie A. Rodriguez, Colton Ryan, Keese Wilson, Xavier Mills and Quentin Plair. The series is set to premiere on Hulu. Premise“When bad behavior nukes hotshot QB Russ Holliday’s (Powell) college career, he disguises himself and walks onto a struggling Southern football team as the talented, affable Chad Powers.”[1] Cast
ProductionDevelopmentThe series, created by Glen Powell and Michael Waldron, received a series order at Hulu in February 2024. The series is based on Eli Manning's character created for Eli's Places.[1] FilmingFilming had begun by late August 2024.[2] ReleaseThe series is set to premiere on Hulu.[1][2] References
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