This story takes place during the Great Depression in East Texas. Young Harry Crane discovers the mutilated body of a black woman that sets off a mystery involving rising violence and racism. Despite the efforts of law enforcement, the killing continues. Harry and his younger sister, Thomasina, fix their suspicions on a local horror legend, The Goat Man, who lives deep in the Big Thicket. Together they set out to solve the mystery of who the real killer is.
As of 2014 the book was being co-produced for a film by Joe R. Lansdale, Bill Paxton,[9] and Brad Wyman.[10][11] Paxton died in 2017, making any further plans uncertain.
^ abPerskie, Jana L. "The Bottoms". Mostly Fiction Book Reviews. Retrieved 5 September 2012.
^ abKetchersid, Larry (17 April 2012). "REVIEW: Edge of Dark Water". SF Signal. Retrieved 5 September 2012. The Bottoms, Joe Lansdale's Edgar Award-winning novel from 2000, is one of my favorite stories